Buying artbooks
I've moved the links to the individual pools; check here.

Some books that people might be interested in that we don't have scans for:

amazon MOONSTONE Complete Illustrations (Mitha, others) review
amazon Ko~cha Illustration Works samples
amazon Dengeki Hime Illustration Collection COSTUME SIDE samples
amazon Bottle Fairy Funbook - Tokumi Yuiko Illustrations review samples
amazon Yug - Ohirune Chu! images samples
amazon Shin Moeru Headphone Reader review samples
amazon Mikeou - Kira Kira Reki Artworks review samples
amazon Push! Illustration Works Selection
amazon Satou Satoru Illustration Works samples
amazon Senomoto Hisashi Artworks
amazon Ohno Tetsuya - Prism Ark samples
amazon Rin-Sin Visual Art Works samples
amazon Bishoujo Illustrations New Year Collection 2011 review samples
amazon Yasu Illustrations samples
amazon, hlj Toradora Pictures samples
amazon Misakura Nankotsu - Shoujo Planetarium samples
amazon Matsubara Hidenori Illustration Works samples
amazon Ryuuga Shou Illustrations samples
amazon Norita Illustrations samples
amazon Kannazuki Noboru Illustrations samples
amazon Magi-cu Illustrations samples
amazon Magi-cu Illustrations 2 samples
amazon Misakura Nankotsu - akiba ichiban no baka shimai
jlist Girls Girls Girls! 2 samples
amazon hlj Oyari Ashito - Kita e - Nocchi Art Works
amazon Amano Kozue - Alpha samples
amazon Kimizuka Aoi - Fri-Fri samples
amazon Matsubara Hidenori Illustration Works samples



old unmaintained list
Peto? Should we kinda turn this thread into a user submitted thread for sites with special discounts for anime artbooks / mangas/ and other anime related material? It seems that listing artbooks and where they can be bought only go so far. We might as well sticky this too as I don't think we would want this thread for be lost in the many many threads on moe forums.
Good idea as long as a mod maintains it and removes any casual chatter.
There's no point, given that there were no responses at all for a month...
I'm sure that many users didn't respond b.c since it was a list they probably feared a "dumb" comment reply.(Some websites don't have you reply to lists) At least that's why I didn't.
Well, at the risk of no one caring, I'll recommend a site. I recommend this site for those that live in the US (but you may also order from other countries), it has quite the selection of Japanese artbooks along with other things that I enjoyed. I bought Kantoku's Ashiato and 100 Masters of Bishoujo Paint here recently (yes, I know it's fully scanned, but I prefer artbooks I enjoy in tangible format).
Akadot has a very good selection. I also like their free shipping and they have coupons pretty often, too. :)

I'm surprised moe doesn't have a Amazon jp affiliate account. :O
Won't get much out of it....the site is 100% illegal in Japan anyways..
admin2 said:
Won't get much out of it....the site is 100% illegal in Japan anyways..
That's strange because Akadot lists Japan as one of their shipping areas, unless you were replying to Riven.
admin2 said:
Won't get much out of it....the site is 100% illegal in Japan anyways..
Darn, oh well. :(
im not a frequent visitor to the forums, so ill say....

cool, a thread on artbook.! :P

im a fan of noizi ito and naru-nanao. will be getting their latest book when i go back to asia this summer....

was sitting on the decision of getting the push illustration but decided not to after looking at the scans.
Thread was 3 months dead bro. OP was 5 months. Chances are all of those (or at least most) are already on here.

But hey, if you get stuff later, feel free to scan and upload!

if they aren't already on here
If you like the artbooks, I'd recommend you buy them. At least support the artist you like.
yes, i can see its 3 months old. stumbled on this topic when i was trying to search for sample scans for my own final confirmation on selecting which books im getting.
unfortunately i dont think it'll be any use if im able to scan it since the scans always appears here way before i get the book lol

@aoie : yes im a collector, so i'll be buying it. have a few others to get as well. its just that getting in europe(uk) is prohibitively expensive and i usually have to pay about 30-40% more on what i can get my hands on from kinokuniya in my home country. not that it has stopped me from buying impulsively in anime expo's lol
You think petopeto has any new recommendations for 2010?
im hopeful but lets see...
pirez's and nattoli's blog also does a good review on artbooks. check it out if you find yourself constantly having to hunt high and low for a review.
Reviews for artbooks are rather arbitrary IMO. I think Icie does a decent job of it but some of the reviews i've seen are probably not worth the read.
I usually check out the artist's other work before I buy an artbook of theirs. Though I do use reviews to see what the actual content of the book is just to check it isn't a rehash of their old work that you can get anywhere online.
Hoping to pick up this one when it's released
HLJ has a half-price Fedex shipping sale until Dec 15th. It puts the shipping cost for most books to the US around 500-700 yen.
Maybe I didn't see this artbook in the list, but I'd like to know the title of this one:
ShadowVIII said:
Maybe I didn't see this artbook in the list, but I'd like to know the title of this one:
I can't open the image but..
Is it post #2006? It's the 6th in the 3rd column. I was wondering if all of these artbooks contain +18 pics, it's better not to buy them if they have them -.-, I'll have to hide xd.
ShadowVIII said: It's the 6th in the 3rd column. I was wondering if all of these artbooks contain +18 pics, it's better not to buy them if they have them -.-, I'll have to hide xd.
Oh, that's this game's VFB
I never saw it on P2P sofeware anyway..
Did I count right? If it's the Hooksoft Memorial that has been scanned:
greaper said:
Did I count right? If it's the Hooksoft Memorial that has been scanned:
The one you mentioned is 6th in the 4th column. :P

p.s. The scan version you showed is by a Chinese pirate magazine, lol
Lol Chinese people always do it xd, sometimes they help, sometimes they harm depending on you point of view. Fireattack thanks for the answer xd, but you didn't tell me if the artbook mentioned by me contains hentai pics.
Some scans here:
There is the same cover, but there are some hentai pics, maybe I shouldn't purchase it, my parents will be a pain in the neck if they find it xd.

PS You uploaded it LOL
Iono if this is the right place to ask, but will someone here buy the Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 2 artbooks? <.<
kyoushiro said:
Iono if this is the right place to ask, but will someone here buy the Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 2 artbooks? <.<
You can ask it to Ponnkun, he can buy it for you, you pay only the price for the artbook no shipping fees
ShadowVIII said:
Lol Chinese people always do it xd, sometimes they help, sometimes they harm depending on you point of view. Fireattack thanks for the answer xd, but you didn't tell me if the artbook mentioned by me contains hentai pics.
Some scans here:
There is the same cover, but there are some hentai pics, maybe I shouldn't purchase it, my parents will be a pain in the neck if they find it xd.

PS You uploaded it LOL
Since Amazon didn't show any warning, the hentai content should be not too much; however it's a VFB of a eroge... well, I still believe it contains hentai pics like game H scene..
fireattack said:
Since Amazon didn't show any warning, the hentai content should be not too much; however it's a VFB of a eroge... well, I still believe it contains hentai pics like game H scene..
Thanks a lot :), when I have some money, I'll buy it. I spent my money to buy 3 figures (Yurippe AB, Rin Tohsaka Fate UBW and Dark Magicial Girl) xd no more money -.-