The speed is kinda odd here from California, USA.

Some files are downloading at different speeds then others.

Downloading three files at once, the first may max out its download speed at 375KB/s, the second at 175KB/s, and the third at 800KB/s.

Even if I pause the the 800KB/s and 375KB/s ones (in the above example), the 175KB/s one doesn't speed up at all and continues to download at 175KB/s.

Yet if I pause and restart a slow download a few times, eventually it will immediately start downloading faster then the max speed it was hitting before.

Other times I may have two downloads going which are maxing out at 200KB/s, and when I start a third it downloads at something like 1.8MB/s.

There appears to be no packet loss at all with nice solid speeds at whatever speed it decides to download at, so I don't know what to think.

Are you running some sort of funky bandwidth management or load balancing on the new server? Is caching broken and your disks are getting hit too hard?

Speeds aren't too bad, but you may want to make sure everything is configured properly admin2.