Shizashi said:
I'm not sure we need a different tag for the same thing but with different safety ratings, which, if I'm reading the thread right, is what shoujo-ai/yuri and shounen-ai/yaoi were apparently thinking of becoming. Just blacklist whatever ratings you don't want.
The problem with using 1 tag for this type of genre is the questionable one. It may or may not be safe enough, thus people will debate whether or not to blacklist it.
There might also people like me who accepts all ratings, but keep away some tags. I keep all the ratings but blacklist several tags that represents explicit and/or questionable images, such as guro and tentacles. Now if there is both shounen-ai and yaoi tag, I'd keep yaoi blacklisted while shounen-ai not. Just need a guideline for distinguishing which is yuri/yaoi and which is shoujo-ai/shounen-ai. And slowbro.