Yuri & Yaoi "the" Ying and Yang
So we got Yuri and we probably got Yaoi here as well. My thoughts are that shounen-ai, which is nothing more than harmless "companionship" such as Father & Son, or that which exists in Vampire Knight (read about about vampires and "their" lore, and what kind of "love" they share etc) for example.

Yaoi is clearly penises and stuff (so not cool...) which is adored by a very large amount of the female audience in Japan (or so I hear!)

Yuri. Again people mix up two females breast grouping as yuri when it's clearly not. The act of tribadism or oral sex, or any other acts such as breast (i.e "nibbling") sucking, but i guess that's viewed differently in our countries is it not?

Women A grabs Woman B's breast in order to surprise Woman A, making them both embarrassed (or not!) Clearly out of friendship (not in a lovers view), such as in the gym shower(s) yes we did this in the 9th grade so what? I know you guys slap others with wet towels, that's kinda gay, is it not?

So please, do either have shounen/shoujo-ai tags or mark all male x male pics as yaoi and we could mark all pics with female x female as yuri and look completely retarded?
Feito said:
Yaoi is clearly penises and stuff (so not cool...)
If we go by that definition of Yaoi we wouldn't be using that tag. As far as I'm aware there are no explicit male x male scans on this site. Even post #68982 barely registers as questionable. We may have to refine the definition of Yaoi for this site.

Yuri. Again people mix up two females breast grouping as yuri when it's clearly not.
I agree the Yuri tag needs review. We have 500+ scans tagged with it, and I suspect inappropriately.
I thank you for taking this into action. I'm sure there's more male pix out that that I could fav :)

post #68982 is like 50%/50%, even the the no so bright one would tag this as yaoi, but isn't it intended as a pun since lelouch basically wanted him dead in the first place?

Clamp art is hard to rate yaoi because of the so called relationship all characters have, be it male x female or male x male (taking code geass as an example). Gundam 00 is probably another example I think, can't say for sure since I haven't seen the anime. (but I can imagine from the scans on various boards)

PS: Moar samurai champloo pics please!
I also agree...most of the yuri tagged pic aren't feito said..yuri involves actual sex..not just teasing and breast grab. All the male stuff on moe isn't really yaoi..i'd say just EXTREMELY FABULOUS..but that's it. I'm ok with tagging properly shounen-ai and shoujo-ai.
syaoran-kun said: i'd say just EXTREMELY FABULOUS
This is the way I see it.

Explicit yaoi images have no place here. Yesterday, I went through the male tag and tagged images that seemed like shounen-ai as yaoi since I figured that would be the tag that most people would know of and use to blacklist it. I went through it kind of fast so some of the stuff I tagged probably doesn't need to be tagged with it.

So we can either use yaoi for shounen-ai or change it to shounen-ai and let people know about it. I don't really care either way.
And for the yuri tag, we need to clearly define what should be yuri, what should be shoujo-ai, and what doesn't need to have either of these tags.

So far I have it as:

Yuri - explicit sex acts (tribadism, fingering, oral sex, etc.)
Shoujo-ai - Kissing, hugging, hand holding
Other - breast grabbing, symmetrical docking, and other stuff girls might do that don't mean they are involved in a relationship (this type of stuff doesn't need a tag besides breast_grab, symmetrical_docking, etc.)

If anyone has any suggestions to deal with these tags or better definitions of the terms involved, I'm all ears.
mm to make tagging rules simple, we could go with:

male - no females on scan
shounen ai - questionable and safe scans with two or more males in sexy postures
shoujo ai - same as shounen ai but females
yaoi - same as shounen ai but explicit
yuri - same as yaoi but females
syaoran-kun said:
All the male stuff on moe isn't really yaoi..i'd say just EXTREMELY FABULOUS..
Mm...I'd really like to alias yaoi to extreme_fabulosity (as opposed to extreme_content). Or maybe to bromantic...

Kidding aside, I'll help vistigris sort through the tag once we settle on clearer definitions. There are actually two rating:e and yaoi posts but that's only because of the other content in them.
yuri means all love affeir between girls with sexact or without sexact.
yaoi always means sexact.
they are different level explicity (at least in Japanese term) :p
Imbir said:
male - no females on scan
shounen ai - questionable and safe scans with two or more males in sexy postures
shoujo ai - same as shounen ai but females
yaoi - same as shounen ai but explicit
yuri - same as yaoi but females
I'll go with this.
vistigris said:
Explicit yaoi images have no place here.
I'll have to disagree with you there. As long as the image is high-quality/high-res then we shouldn't turn our back on it. Of course the chances of there being any high-quality material is quite slim.
Retagging it based on the rating would probably get most of them tagged correctly, but I would still like to have some basic definitions since there would be exceptions like post #32235 and post #57860.
Very good question. I would tag them as yuri due to the explicit nature of post #57860 and the enthusiastic breast sucking in post #32235.

It may be necessary for some Q images with sex acts/nudity to get tagged as yuri. Not necessary just E material.
I think post #57860 should either be shoujo-ai or not tagged with either. One of the basic complaints was that images with females merely touching were getting tagged with yuri.

It's easier to blacklist "rating:e shoujo-ai" than it is for someone to go through the yuri tag when they looking for shoujo-ai images that might just be rated explicit but don't involve sex acts.
The exposed vaginas, and the fact that it is obvious that Rei is trying to 'get it on' puts it in the yuri field.
vistigris said:
It's easier to blacklist "rating:e shoujo-ai" than it is for someone go through the yuri tag when they looking for shoujo-ai images that might just be rated explicit but don't involve sex acts.
But the whole idea was for shoujo-ai to be used for S/Q 'yuri' images? E was going to be left as yuri.

This could get complex. Any ideas what criteria Danbooru use?

EDIT - petopeto needs to put in a 'edited' flag...
I think danbooru just tags it all as yuri.
Danbooru's wiki is
"Girls loving (any number of) other girls romantically or sexually. This includes kissing, groping, and any kind of sexual or romantic act. Basically, there needs to be something in the picture that makes it clear that the girls are more than just friends, otherwise it is not yuri."

Edited back in what I wrote.
I would rate both images explicit so I don't see any problem there, but I can see what you are trying to say. We could even go with just shounen ai and shoujo ai and drop yuri, yaoi tags and people who don't want to see some hardcore stuff can just blacklist rating:e shoujo ai or shounen ai.

But still people are different so rating:q for somebody can be rating:e for another, I would still hold to my first proposal
I can only suggest you ask another mod if you are not sure if the image is shoujo-ai or yuri. I don't expect any of us expecting this change to happen overnight.
Another way would be to convert the male tag to yaoi, and use the yuri tag for images which only have women. May not be, strictly speaking, correct, but would be handy for blacklists.

Wouldn't even need to use shounen-ai or shoujo-ai.
I seriously don't think we need to start hosting gay porn...
I doubt we will ever do that.
You indicated that we shouldn't turn it away. I think turning it away is just fine.
Be a bit more flexible. I'm not advocating flooding the site with 'gay' porn, just that we need to be accommodating for the high quality stuff.
Either we allow it or we don't. You said we should; I'm suggesting that we shouldn't.
petopeto said:
Either we allow it or we don't. You said we should; I'm suggesting that we shouldn't.
OK. That's your choice.
We really shouldn't have fag stuff on moe..seriously.
syaoran-kun said:
fag stuff
I think we need to add some mod guidelines to the Wiki...
just tag stuffs people complained won't see into yaoi, and keep yuri & male as they are.
added new deffinition originated on this site may confuse others.
Well...let's just decide on a tag for the yaoi or shounen-aish people can just do 1 single blacklist, instead of having to blacklist and go through "male" "yaoi" "shounen-ai" (since male get used when there are only guys..i'm p.sure people that blacklist yaoi would blacklist those too).