syaoran-kun said:
i'm p.sure people that blacklist yaoi would blacklist those too).
Not necessarily. Someone might not want to look at yaoi but might like browsing for images that have males in them without being subjected to guy on guy rampant ramming fests. Male and any tag associated with hardcore or otherwise explicit content should be seperate imo.
Radiosity said:
Not necessarily. Someone might not want to look at yaoi but might like browsing for images that have males in them without being subjected to guy on guy rampant ramming fests.
Like me :)
I don't mind male and shounen ai, as long it is not explicit. I even have one or two in favorites.
A variation of Vistigris idea is to blacklist "rating:e male" and/or "rating:q male"

Means we don't have to muck around with the additional tags, or implications.
Radioactive said:
A variation of Vistigris idea is to blacklist "rating:e male" and/or "rating:q male"

Means we don't have to muck around with the additional tags, or implications.
People better not miss tag em, or else i'll get dongs stuck up both irl and on the boards... not cool
When I get a chance I'll summarise what options have been posted.
Personally I am fine as long there isn't a bias ever put against male-only scans in general. I know some of us beside myself want guy scans and don't want to have to rely on the elitest cesspool that is AnimePaper/Minitokyo to get them. ;o

I know I'm in the minority here of thinking any sort of high res anime related scan should be allowed, since most of you are guys who just want girl pics, but I am fine with yaoi and of course it should be tagged as so. :) The funny thing is, high res scans of yaoi are relatively rare (I think female yaoi fans are extremely possessive of their collections and they also tend to scan in shit res when they do.. and then they watermark it.), so I doubt you would ever see much quality stuff submitted even if it is/was allowed. XD
By the way, which is Ying and which is Yang?...or that's just something you just put to describe the issue on this thread Feito?
midzki said:
Females are Dark and Males are Light? Ha Ha Ha HA~! Sure I believe you midzki...why not?...Ha Ha Ha Ha!
this is why the background of moe.imouto is black :p
midzki said:
this is why the background of moe.imouto is black :p
Well the dark background does look nice. My eyes can relax better since I'm always awake in the night and sleep in the day.
midzki said:
there are many theories I'm not sure.
if you let me show one example..


don't ask me deeply, I'm not a taoist :P
I wondered because I've thinking 4 so long the males are darkness.

I looked females as angels so I think she was light. hahaha.

So the males are light. I feel like I just got more self-confidence. XD
(I'm using "white"heart as my nick)

I believe U. I'm not trying to confuse myself to ask deeply about it haha.
the light is a fragile in front of the darkness, the MOTHER of the universe ;p
midzki said:
the light is a fragile in front of the darkness, the MOTHER of the universe ;p
Wow. I like how you did that.

Even so I still always like the power of darkness.
Now I'm start liking the power of light...
Let's restart this thread. Please try to stick to the subject under debate.
With post #119682 as an example, I think shoujo-ai should be in this, and yuri is for something more sexually oriented. Of course adding shoujo-ai to an image should have something as a base, like the actions of the girls indicating that they're more than just friends.
I'm not sure we need a different tag for the same thing but with different safety ratings, which, if I'm reading the thread right, is what shoujo-ai/yuri and shounen-ai/yaoi were apparently thinking of becoming. Just blacklist whatever ratings you don't want.

As for actually hosting the images, I'm part of the "if it doesn't suck then keep it" bandwagon.

Also I'm pretty sure it's "yin" not "ying."
My opinion is to use "yuri" or "shoujo-ai" for all of these, or only "yuri" for sexually oriented ones (like loli). Using two separate tags will cause endless troubles of distinguishing them.
Shizashi said:
I'm not sure we need a different tag for the same thing but with different safety ratings, which, if I'm reading the thread right, is what shoujo-ai/yuri and shounen-ai/yaoi were apparently thinking of becoming. Just blacklist whatever ratings you don't want.
The problem with using 1 tag for this type of genre is the questionable one. It may or may not be safe enough, thus people will debate whether or not to blacklist it.
There might also people like me who accepts all ratings, but keep away some tags. I keep all the ratings but blacklist several tags that represents explicit and/or questionable images, such as guro and tentacles. Now if there is both shounen-ai and yaoi tag, I'd keep yaoi blacklisted while shounen-ai not. Just need a guideline for distinguishing which is yuri/yaoi and which is shoujo-ai/shounen-ai. And slowbro.
Imbir said:
mm to make tagging rules simple, we could go with:

male - no females on scan
shounen ai - questionable and safe scans with two or more males in sexy postures
shoujo ai - same as shounen ai but females
yaoi - same as shounen ai but explicit
yuri - same as yaoi but females
Thoughts on this again?
Imbir said:
mm to make tagging rules simple, we could go with:

male - no females on scan
shounen ai - questionable and safe scans with two or more males in sexy postures
shoujo ai - same as shounen ai but females
yaoi - same as shounen ai but explicit
yuri - same as yaoi but females
Yep, more or less that's it. According to that, post #131928 should be shounen-ai, while post #122365 should be yaoi.
Let's see if the other mods want to agree to this.
I say no. Just two tags makes life easier.
Aurelia said:
I say no. Just two tags makes life easier.
OK. Let's try this instead -

Yaoi - Explicit, Questionable and Safe scans with two or more males in sexy poses
Yuri - Explicit, Questionable and Safe scans with two or more females in sexy poses
I really do not at all even see why we need to distinguish b/t yuri and shoujo-ai(etc. etc. etc.). I've always thought of keeping the tag descriptive enough to avoid using such masses of it. We do not need different levels or teirs of the same defined word.

Aurelia said:
I say no. Just two tags makes life easier.
I have a better idea.

*adds Yaoi to blocklist... again*
