
baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu blood cum kanna_asuke kinoshita_hideyoshi male naked sex trap yaoi yoshii_akihisa

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But what' that which behind them.Very unpleasant
is that blood and what abou her tongue it's weird
Her? There is no her, only the trap known as hideyoshi.

Yes, it's blood, tsuchiya_kōta (voyeur) is on the other side of the wall about to die by nosebleed.
perhaps his twin sister.
holy * they are both guys damn burn this burn it to ashes
Niche said:
perhaps his twin sister.
She isn't flat.
Brufh said:
they are both guys damn burn this burn it to ashes
Something wrong with your blacklist?
It's okay, you can think however you like to :)
SciFi said:
Yes, it's blood, tsuchiya_kōta (voyeur) is on the other side of the wall about to die by nosebleed.
Second that *looks down at the blood on the floor*

Why is there so many people who hate traps i wonder...
No, really, I was asking. I have trap blacklisted, except for kinoshita hideyoshi since I know that is a trap. I also have yaoi blacklisted, so it should and currently is hidden, but when I first got on earlier it wasn't.
The only reason this one doesn't disturb me is because I wish I could see yoshii's reaction when he does find out it's not the sister.

They dislike traps because it REALLY disturbs them when they find out.
ToshioTV said:
Why is there so many people who hate traps i wonder...
Maybe some bad experience in the past.
SciFi said:
They dislike traps because it REALLY disturbs them when they find out.
I just think our society may be a little too gender/sex oriented...i mean what does it matter if it is actually a boy when he looks so good *grins*...maybe he feels like a girl...actual sex(fem/masc) shouldn't be that important.
On the other hand i do understand that when you are expecting something and you get something else (even you normally like that something else) it's kinda disappointing (like with food that looks sweet but is actually salty)...but it can also be exciting ( ̄ー ̄)
it's not that, i like to see futanari but what got me mad was that i mistaked a guy for a girl

ps: i know he is not a futa but it's implied
卧槽 秀吉 你不能这样
咱就用中文 google翻译去吧~~~~
Brufh said:
what got me mad was that i mistaked a guy for a girl
It's just a drawn picture so you can't really always tell if it's a girl or guy. I can bet that you can't find a real guy with a body like that. Also in my opinion it doesn't really matter in art, it's just a picture so looking at it and drooling all over it, or whatever, don't magically make you gay
白色天际 said:
see what SciFi have said
SciFi说他姐不是机场= =
我是实在受不了 男男向 用他姐妥协的 认真你就输了...
according to google translator the above reply says "I really can not stand men and men and the users to compromise his sister's serious you lose"
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Azarel said:
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Probably that machine translations are tricky to get right
Chrissues said:
Probably that machine translations are tricky to get right
That's why I like when people type in english, I don't mind using translators but I usually still don't understand what someone is trying to say even if I do use it
Azarel said:
according to google translator the above reply says "I really can not stand men and men and the users to compromise his sister's serious you lose"
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
He's saying that he's against yaoi and telling everyone that enjoys this that they fail.
translator only works for single simple phrase or word, it would mess up someone's true meaning if u copy and paste the entire sentence. the same goes for english, if someone dash in an entire line into the translator, the meaning will get messed up. its better if they type english, or simply jus ignore them, or, someone who is free and kind enough to translate properly for everyone.
LOLOOOL this image's great <3 I really hate the fact hat hideyoshi had to be a guy in the show u_u he looks very cute in girl-mode u_u no-homo
Why do traps exist? I will never know.
NeoShadowstryke said:
Why do traps exist? I will never know.
for our amusement, plus some ppl love traps~ ^_^ hehe
NeoShadowstryke said:
Why do traps exist? I will never know.
Some people have issues / dun have their sexual preferences too defined :P
Both of those answers work... Hahaha. xD
accourding to all the male characters on the show hideyoshi is a girl xP
wakaranai said:
accourding to all the male characters on the show hideyoshi is a girl xP
No, Hideyoshi gets his/her/its own bathroom.
Ponnkun said:
No, Hideyoshi gets his/her/its own bathroom.
Not to mention an own gender. xD
Everybody wants moar.
Everybody wants Hideyosi <3
(And I'm included in everybody xD)
for people who have something against traps, dont worry. Take away the title and character names from the image and they may as well both be girls. the reason traps dont bother me is cause all i have to do is forget. since its all 2D anyways it makes no difference.
啊!!! 原来支持中文啊?!!!
闷声色狼~~ 秀吉什么的 最性感了~~~
Osikaa said:
Everybody wants moar.
Everybody wants Hideyosi <3
(And I'm included in everybody xD)
please don't say "everybody" because i'm not in that group, i hate traps.
ryuzaki said:

please don't say "everybody" because i'm not in that group, i hate traps.
Everybody that like traps~ D:
Don't be angry~~ ´3`
How can you think there's a girl here. Just have a look between hideyoshi's legs. There's something pourring out... It's obvious you'll find some draw like that one, hideyoshi is always presented as a 'girl-looking boy'. That's one nice picture.