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255988 3009.1 高野音彦 Otohiko Takano はるになるよ Haru ni naru yo (It Will Soon be Spring) 省エネ気取りでもないのだけれど、ここ2年ほどなんとなく夏も冬も空調を使わないことにしている。現代は季節感が薄れているだとか言うけれど、大概それは「薄れさせている」だけのことで、実際夏はきっちり暑いし冬の朝なんかはしびれるほど寒い。こんな暑さや寒さに憤慨するのはとても楽しくて、みすみすその機会を失うのは少し勿体がない。 季節の過ぎる様子は列車の窓から眺める景色のようなものだ。不意に現れた絶景をもうしばらく見ていたいと思ってもお構いなしに列車は走り続けてトンネルの中にだって入ってしまう。そうして乗客は車窓をぼんやりと眺め続ける。 四季の美しさの本質はそれが曰々移リゆくことにあるのだと思う。季節の変わり目は特におもしろい。さて願わくば、毎日の微かな移リ変わリを用心深く眺め続けるだけのちよつとした余裕がいつもありますように。 I am not pretending to be energy conscious, but for the last couple of years I have not used the air conditioning in either summer or winter. People say that recently they don’t really feel the seasons, but this is simply because they 'prevent themselves from feeling them’. In actual fact, summer is still extremely hot and winter mornings are cold enough to make you numb. It is very enjoyable to feel indignant about this heat or cold and it seems a waste to lose this opportunity. The passing of the seasons is like scenery that is watched through the window of a train. There may be a sight you would like to look at more closely but the train will carry on regardless, maybe even to enter a tunnel. When that happens, the passengers still remain gazing blankly out of the window. I believe that the true essence of the beauty of the four seasons lies in the way that they pass daily, never halting. It is when they actually change from one to the next, that is most interesting. If I had the choice I would like to have the time to watch these minute daily changes a little more closely. WtfCakes 05/31/13 Revert