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256313 | 3066.2 | きみづか葵 AOI KIMIZUKA 日出ル処之巫女 Hiizuru tokoro no miko (The Shrine Maiden of the Land of the Rising Sun) きみづか葵です。この度は「絵師100人展」に参加できて大変光栄に思います。 自分はマンガ家としてスタ一卜して、CGに出会しヽ、それをきっかけにPCゲ一ムなどデジタル系の世界でお仕事をさせて頂く一方、雑誌等のイラストや小説などでも絵を描かせて頂いております。 今回は「日本」の神道の象徴たる巫女と、自分を象徴するフリルをふんだんに使った衣装で朝日に輝く巫女の少女を表現しました。弓についているニ匹のウサギは月にいるウサギをイメージしています。月にウサギがいるというのは日本ならではの言い伝えですよね。つたないながらも楽しく描かせて頂けて幸せです。 今後もこの企画をステップに、また新たな世界と癒しを皆さんに表現する事が出来たらこの上ない喜びです。ありがとうございました。 My name is KIMIZUKA Aoi and I am very proud to have been selected for this ‘Eshi 100’ Exhibition. I started my career as a manga artist, then I discovered computer graphics and as a result I was given the opportunity to draw for computer games etc. in the digital world, while also producing magazine illustrations and pictures for novels. The theme is ‘Japan’ so I have decided to use the image of a miko (shrine maiden) who symbolizes the Shinto religion. I have depicted a young miko glowing in the light of the rising sun and wearing a costume lavishly decorated with frills that is characteristic of my work. The two rabbits on the bow represent an image of the rabbits that are said to live on the moon. The idea of rabbits living on the moon comes from a Japanese legend. Although it is a rather clumsy illustration, I enjoyed doing it. I will be delighted if this exhibition serves as a stepping stone to allow me to create new worlds and provide comfort for everybody through my work. Thank you very much. | cyberwire | 12/14/13 | Revert | |
256313 | 3066.1 | きみづか葵 AOI KIMIZUKA 日出ル処之巫女 Hiizuru tokoro no miko (The Shrine Maiden of the Land of the Risina Sun) きみづか葵です。この度は「絵師100人展」に参加できて大変光栄に思います。 自分はマンガ家としてスタ一卜して、CGに出会しヽ、それをきっかけにPCゲ一ムなどデジタル系の世界でお仕事をさせて頂く一方、雑誌等のイラストや小説などでも絵を描かせて頂いております。 今回は「日本」の神道の象徴たる巫女と、自分を象徴するフリルをふんだんに使った衣装で朝日に輝く巫女の少女を表現しました。弓についているニ匹のウサギは月にいるウサギをイメージしています。月にウサギがいるというのは日本ならではの言い伝えですよね。つたないながらも楽しく描かせて頂けて幸せです。 今後もこの企画をステップに、また新たな世界と癒しを皆さんに表現する事が出来たらこの上ない喜びです。ありがとうございました。 My name is KIMIZUKA Aoi and I am very proud to have been selected for this ‘Eshi 100’ Exhibition. I started my career as a manga artist, then I discovered computer graphics and as a result I was given the opportunity to draw for computer games etc. in the digital world, while also producing magazine illustrations and pictures for novels. The theme is ‘Japan’ so 丨 have decided to use the image of a miko (shrine maiden) who symbolizes the Shinto religion. I have depicted a young miko glowing in the light of the rising sun and wearing a costume lavishly decorated with frills that is characteristic of my work” The two rabbits on the bow represent an image of the rabbits that are said to live on the moon. The idea of rabbits living on the moon comes from a Japanese legend. Although it is a rather clumsy illustration, I enjoyed doing it. I will be delighted if this exhibition serves as a stepping stone to allow me to create new worlds and provide comfort for everybody through my work. Thank you very much. | WtfCakes | 06/03/13 | Revert |