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255489 3183.2 うたたねひろゆき HIROYUKI UTATANE 墨の香 Sumi no kaori (The Smell of Japanese Ink) 当初は前2回に続き業界視点の情景を切り取ろうと思い、才タ行列に挟まった女の子をモノトーンメインで描く「安定の黒率」を予定していたのですが、レイアウ卜がうまくまとまらず断念してしまいまして、ただ黒と白での表現は面白いかと思い、またアナログ描きの妙味として水墨画の真似こ'となど試させていただきました。 正直言いまして御覧の通リ成功とは言い難いものです。 紙を変えつつ9枚描き直したのですが、水墨画用の画仙紙などと違い、紙が水を含み過ぎて純黒であって欲しいところが薄くなってしまうというのは大誤算でして、経験の浅さを露呈致しましたが、いい経験をさせていただきました。思った色は出せなかったものの、一筆で画面に濃淡を表し、予想外のにじみや立体感が生まれる瞬間はぞくぞくしました。 そして「香り」。20分程もかけつつ墨を磨っていると部屋中二ガワの香リで一杯です。 そうデジタルではありえないのですね。 またアナログならではという事で、スパッタリングなどという懐かしい技術も使ってみました。 ああ…100人展では和服は描くまいと思っていたのになあ…。 As with the last two exhibitions I thought that I would use an image taken from the viewpoint of the anime trade, I was going to depict a girl being squashed by a row of otaku, using a monotone of black and white and entitling it ‘Stable Rate of Black’. However, I could not get the layout to come together and in the end I gave up, but I liked the idea of using only black and white so taking advantage of the subtle charm of analog drawing I decided to try the traditional brush and ink style. To be quite honest, as you can see from the result, I was not completely successful. I drew a total of nine pictures, experimenting with different papers. Unlike gasenshi paper, that is designed for brush and ink painting, modern paper absorbs too much water and the strong blacks I had hoped for became grays, it was a miscalculation that shows my lack of skill, but it was good experience. I could not achieve the colors I hoped for, but it was exciting to create variations of tone using a single brushstroke as well as discovering the unexpected blurring and feeling of depth created by the ink soaking into the paper. And the smell. After having spent 20 minutes grinding the ink, the room became filled with its scent. This is something that would never happen with digital drawing. Also, painting it by hand allowed me to use familiar old techniques such as spattering. Ahh...and to think that I had promised myself that I would never paint a kimono for the Eshi 100 exhibition... WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255489 3183.1 うたたねひろゆき utatane hiroyuki 墨の香 06/11/13 Revert