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255446 3192.5 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata —度目の冬 Nidome no fuyu (Second Winter) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 「絵師100人展」も第3回目、今回も描かせていただいてとてもうれしいです。¶第3回目のテーマは「日本の一景」、日本らしさを感じられる行事ことのひとつとして、年初めの神様へのご挨拶「初詣」をイメージして描きました。¶最近では初詣でも着物を着ることはなくなりましたが、冬には椿、春には桜と季節にあった柄の着物を選んで着る話を聞くと、防寒のために服を着るのではない遊び心を感じて装いの中にも四季があることに感動しました。¶イラストの親子の着物にも、お揃いの椿の花をあしらってみました。 こうしてひっそりとお揃いを選ぶのは母心のような気がします。子供が小さなうちだけの楽しみでもあリますね。 いろんな親子が、家族が、四季の中で笑顔でいられる世の中であリ続けてほしいものです。 How do you do? Hello, my name’s KATAGIRI Hinata. This year is the third time that the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and I am delighted to have been invited to participate once more. The theme for this third event is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I decided to use the typically Japanese custom of visiting the local shrine at the New Year the theme for my illustration. Recently people tend not to wear kimono even when they go to the shrine at the New Year, but when I heard that people used to wear a kimono with a camellia design in winter and a cherry blossom design in spring, I was most impressed; people wore clothes not just to keep the cold out, but also to express a sense of fun. The mother and child in this picture are both wearing kimono with camellia motifs in their designs. I felt that this way of having subtly matching clothes was an expression of the mother’s love. It is the kind of thing can only be enjoyed while a child is small. I hope that the world will remain a place where parents and children, where families, can continue to enjoy the four seasons. 06/22/13 Revert
255446 3192.4 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata 二度目の冬 Nidome no fuyu (Second Winter) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 「絵師100人展」も第3回目、今回も描かせていただいてとてもうれしいです。¶第3回目のテーマは「日本の一景」、日本らしさを感じられる行事ことのひとつとして、年初めの神様へのご挨拶「初詣」をイメージして描きました。¶最近では初詣でも着物を着ることはなくなりましたが、冬には椿、春には桜と季節にあった柄の着物を選んで着る話を聞くと、防寒のために服を着るのではない遊び心を感じて装いの中にも四季があることに感動しました。¶イラストの親子の着物にも、お揃いの椿の花をあしらってみました。 こうしてひっそりとお揃いを選ぶのは母心のような気がします。子供が小さなうちだけの楽しみでもあリますね。 いろんな親子が、家族が、四季の中で笑顔でいられる世の中であリ続けてほしいものです。 How do you do? Hello, my name’s KATAGIRI Hinata. This year is the third time that the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and I am delighted to have been invited to participate once more. The theme for this third event is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I decided to use the typically Japanese custom of visiting the local shrine at the New Year the theme for my illustration. Recently people tend not to wear kimono even when they go to the shrine at the New Year, but when I heard that people used to wear a kimono with a camellia design in winter and a cherry blossom design in spring, I was most impressed; people wore clothes not just to keep the cold out, but also to express a sense of fun. The mother and child in this picture are both wearing kimono with camellia motifs in their designs. I felt that this way of having subtly matching clothes was an expression of the mother’s love. It is the kind of thing can only be enjoyed while a child is small. I hope that the world will remain a place where parents and children, where families, can continue to enjoy the four seasons. 06/22/13 Revert
255446 3192.3 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata —度目の冬 Nidome no fuyu (Second Winter) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 「絵師100人展」も第3回目、今回も描かせていただいてとてもうれしいです。¶第3回目のテーマは「日本の一景」、日本らしさを感じられる行事ことのひとつとして、年初めの神様へのご挨拶「初詣」をイメージして描きました。¶最近では初詣でも着物を着ることはなくなりましたが、冬には椿、春には桜と季節にあった柄の着物を選んで着る話を聞くと、防寒のために服を着るのではない遊び心を感じて装いの中にも四季があることに感動しました。¶イラストの親子の着物にも、お揃いの椿の花をあしらってみました。 こうしてひっそりとお揃いを選ぶのは母心のような気がします。子供が小さなうちだけの楽しみでもあリますね。 いろんな親子が、家族が、四季の中で笑顔でいられる世の中であリ続けてほしいものです。 How do you do? Hello, my name’s KATAGIRI Hinata. This year is the third time that the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and I am delighted to have been invited to participate once more. The theme for this third event is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I decided to use the typically Japanese custom of visiting the local shrine at the New Year the theme for my illustration. Recently people tend not to wear kimono even when they go to the shrine at the New Year, but when I heard that people used to wear a kimono with a camellia design in winter and a cherry blossom design in spring, I was most impressed; people wore clothes not just to keep the cold out, but also to express a sense of fun. The mother and child in this picture are both wearing kimono with camellia motifs in their designs. I felt that this way of having subtly matching clothes was an expression of the mother’s love. It is the kind of thing can only be enjoyed while a child is small. I hope that the world will remain a place where parents and children, where families, can continue to enjoy the four seasons. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255446 3192.2 片桐雛太 KATAGIRI Hinata —度目の冬 Nidome no fuyu (Second Winter) はじめまして、こんにちは。片桐雛太です。 「絵師100人展」も第3回目、今回も描かせていただいてとてもうれしいです。¶第3回目のテーマは「日本の一景」、日本らしさを感じられる行事ことのひとつとして、年初めの神様へのご挨拶「初詣」をイメージして描きました。¶最近では初詣でも着物を着ることはなくなりましたが、冬には椿、春には桜と季節にあった柄の着物を選んで着る話を聞くと、防寒のために服を着るのではない遊び心を感じて装いの中にも四季があることに感動しました。¶イラストの親子の着物にも、お揃いの椿の花をあしらってみました。 こうしてひっそりとお揃いを選ぶのは母心のような気がします。子供が小さなうちだけの楽しみでもあリますね。 いろんな親子が、家族が、四季の中で笑顔でいられる世の中であリ続けてほしいものです。 How do you do? Hello, my name’s KATAGIRI Hinata. This year is the third time that the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition has been held and I am delighted to have been invited to participate once more. The theme for this third event is ‘a Japanese scene’ and so I decided to use the typically Japanese custom of visiting the local shrine at the New Year the theme for my illustration. Recently people tend not to wear kimono even when they go to the shrine at the New Year, but when I heard that people used to wear a kimono with a camellia design in winter and a cherry blossom design in spring, I was most impressed; people wore clothes not just to keep the cold out, but also to express a sense of fun. The mother and child in this picture are both wearing kimono with camellia motifs in their designs. I felt that this way of having subtly matching clothes was an expression of the mother’s love. It is the kind of thing can only be enjoyed while a child is small. I hope that the world will remain a place where parents and children, where families, can continue to enjoy the four seasons. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255446 3192.1 片桐雛太 katagiri hinata 二度目の冬 06/11/13 Revert