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255456 3212.2 桜沢いづみ ltu"mi Sakurazawa 梅の花咲く神社と拍犬 Ume no hand Sdku jinja to komainu (Plum Blossom and Guardian Dog at a Shrine) 「絵師100人展03」開催おめでとうございます! この度も参加させて頂けましてとても嬉しいです、桜沢いづみと申します。 今回のテ一マは「一景」という事で、何を描こうか色々迷いつつ、身近にある神社と梅の花をテーマに描かせて頂きました。 手前の犬耳の女の子2人は、神社を守る泊犬を擬人化して描いてみました。¶泊犬は向かって右側にロを開いた「阿形」、左側にロを閉じた「呼形」が配置されるそうで(例外もあるようです)、阿形の子を活発そうな子に、呷形の子を無口そうな子にイメージして描きました。 Congratulations on the event of ‘Eshi 100 vol.03’ exhibition! I am very glad to have had this opportunity to participate once more; my name is Itu” mi Sakurazawa. The theme this year is ‘a scene’ and it took me a long time to decide what to draw, but eventually I settled on the image of a nearby shrine when the plum trees are in bloom. The two girls I drew in the foreground with dog-ears are personifications of the shrine’s guardian dogs. Guardian dogs are generally depicted with the one on the right having its mouth open and the one on the left with it closed (although there are exceptions), and so I have depicted the girl on the right as being lively and the one on the left as quiet. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255456 3212.1 桜沢いづみ sakurazawa izumi 06/11/13 Revert