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255512 3226.2 司ゆラぎ yuuki tsukasa 夜桜月華 Yozakura gekka (Nighttime Cherry Blossom in the Moonliaht) どうも初めまして。司ゆうきという者です。 今回は絵師展という大きなイベントに誘って頂きありがとうこ'ざいます。 何を描こう、と思った時にやはリ自分の好きな物がいいと思い、先ず、テ一マの日本の季節は桜が舞い散る春がいいな…などと考え、次に日本と言えば和服。…巫女さんとかいいな一、でもそれだけじゃ物足りないので和の異形な何かと絡めたいな、と思って鬼の鎧武者っぽいのを組み合わせてみました。 そんなこんなで妄想を膨らませていった結果、こんな感じの…人外さんが混じるような絵になりました。 観て頂いた皆さんにこの2人の関係や生い立ちを色々想像して貰えたら嬉しいな、と思います。 個人的には、巫女さんが妹で、武者がお兄ちゃんです。 How do you do, my name is yuuki tsukasa. Thank you for inviting me to take part in a major event like the ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition. When I thought about what to draw I decided that I would use the things that I like best: first, I decided to use spring as the theme with falling petals of the cherry blossom, then it being Japan, it needed a kimono. A shrine maiden would be good... but that alone still left something to be desired, I wanted a variant on the Japanese scene and decided to add a demon in full armor. The various ideas grew until they crystallized in this the end it included a non-human character. I hope that the people who see this picture will give some thought to the relationship between the two people depicted here and their background. My personal view is that the shrine maiden is the younger sister of the armored figure. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255512 3226.1 司ゆうき tsukasa yuuki 夜桜月華 06/11/13 Revert