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255530 3251.2 茉崎ミユキ Miyuki Matsuzaki ノスタルジア Nostalgia 夏休みのお盆。 親戚一同が祖母の家に集い、大人たちの後ろで、子供は外で遊びまわり、川遊びしたり、花火したり、スイ力食べたリ…。夏を満喫するイベントとなっておりました。その懐かしくも暖かい昔の日々が思い出深く、今回描かせて頂きました。 日本は高齢化社会になったと言われており、平均寿命も世界トップクラスですが、ただ単にお年寄りの人口が多いということだけでなく、お年寄りにとてもパワーがあるのが特徴的だと思います。そして慈愛的で家族を大切に見守るような存在も、「日本のおばあちやん」の代表格です。 私の祖母もそのような存在であリ、今の自分を形成しています。 またおばあちゃんの作ったフルーツポンチ食べたいなあ。 The Festival of the Dead during the summer holidays. The whole family used to gather together at our grandmother’s house, the children played behind the grown-ups, going down to the river, setting off fireworks, eating watermelon... It was an event that allowed us to enjoy summer to the full. I became filled with nostalgic memories of the past as I drew this illustration. It is said that Japan has developed into an aged society and that the average lifespan of the population is one of the highest in the world, but this does not simply mean that the elderly make up a large percentage of the population, I believe that it is also characterized by the fact that they have great energy, as represented by the ‘Japanese grandmother’ who lovingly cares for the whole family. My grandmother is that kind of person and it is she who has made me what I am today. I want to eat some of the fruit punch my grandmother makes some day soon. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255530 3251.1 茉崎ミユキ matsuzaki miyuki 06/11/13 Revert