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255535 3260.3 MIN-NARAKEN MIN-NARAKEN 舞華春桜 Maihana haruzakura (Dancing Petals of Cherry Blossom in Spring) 「絵師100人展」、第3回目の開催、本当におめでとうございます。 今回もお招きいただきまして大変嬉しく思っておリます。 四季折々の日本の風景一外から見た時に和を象徴するもの、として私はやはり、自分自身が最も好きな季節、「春」とそして「桜」に主題を置き描かせていただきました。 毎年、桜の咲く暖かな季節が来ると、柄にもなくぶらりと花を見になど行く私ですが、春という季節の何気ない日常にも、桜がひとひらその景色に舞うだけで、心を和やかにされるような…そんな気がします。 Let me offer my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the 3rd ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition and say how delighted I am to have been invited to take part once more. Looking from the outside at the scenery of the four seasons of Japan, I decided that I would use my favorite season, ‘spring’, and in particular 'cherry blossom', as my subject when I came to work on my illustration. Every year, as the weather warms up and the cherry blossom comes into bloom, I wander out to look at it, even though this is quite out of character for me. The sight of a single petal of cherry blossom, floating through an ordinary, daily scene, fills my heart with peace...that is how it feels. jimengyonghen 07/01/14 Revert
255535 3260.2 MIN-NARAKEN MIN-NARAKEN 舞華春桜 Maihana haruzakura (Dancing Petals of Cherry Blossom in Spring) 「絵師100人展」、第3回目の開催、本当におめでとうございます。 今回もお招きいただきまして大変嬉しく思っておリます。 四季折々の日本の風景一外から見た時に和を象徴するもの、として私はやはり、自分自身が最も好きな季節、「春」とそして「桜」に主題を置き描かせていただきました。 毎年、桜の咲く暖かな季節が来ると、柄にもなくぶらりと花を見になど行く私ですが、春という季節の何気ない日常にも、桜がひとひらその景色に舞うだけで、心を和やかにされるような…そんな気がします。 Let me offer my heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the 3rd ‘Eshi 100’ exhibition and say how delighted I am to have been invited to take part once more. Looking from the outside at the scenery of the four seasons of Japan, I decided that I would use my favorite season, ‘spring’, and in particular 'cherry blossom', as my subject when I came to work on my illustration. Every year, as the weather warms up and the cherry blossom comes into bloom, I wander out to look at it, even though this is quite out of character for me. The sight of a single petal of cherry blossom, floating through an ordinary, daily scene, fills my heart with peace...that is how it feels. WtfCakes 06/21/13 Revert
255535 3260.1 MIN-NARAKEN 舞華春桜 06/11/13 Revert