This post belongs to a parent post.

animal_ears anus cleavage genshin_impact kitsune niliu_chahui nopan open_shirt pussy seifuku skirt_lift sweater thighhighs uncensored yae_miko

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This should be applied only when you upload multiple variations without holding, not when you release 2-3.
But checkmate said "all child variations" not 2-3 variations.
If this rule is to prevent flooding, this should be done, like checkmate said, "when uploading multiple variations". What's the point of hiding them if it's just 2-3 images released at a time?
Discuss this with Checkmate.
For now, I follow this rule even though I just upload 2-3 variation like you said.
I've uploaded multiple (just a few) variations in the past and never hid them, but since Checkmate posted about that 2 months ago, it must be a recent rule. They said:
Paid rewards or commission variations should be treated the same as other posts: Please pick the best variation out of the bunch and only upload that.
And then:
After having discussed the matter, when uploading multiple variations, make sure to parent them correctly and hide everything but parent from index.
From what I've understood, "pick the best variation" means one (parent plus 1 child), and "when uploading multiple variations" means 2+ (parent plus 2+ children). So I'd hide the variations even if there are only 2 or 3 of them; but one is not necessary.

The problem with that rule is that sometimes a see a parent image and it doesn't interests me, but after seeing some child of it, I like it and open it, and sometimes I really like it, but still don't like the parent. So with all child variations hidden, I'd miss potentially good variations because I didn't like the parent and didn't open it. For example, I really like tan_lines, but most pictures with tan lines are variations of a "main" version without tan that sometimes doesn't pick my interest, but when I see the tan lines version, it draws my attention and I open it and many times like it even after not being interested in the parent. It goes for other fetishes that I have as well. It goes for clothed parent and naked variations as well.
Thorcsf said:
So I'd hide the variations even if there are only 2 or 3 of them; but one is not necessary.
That's right. You should hide everything except parent post.

hide everything but parent from index.
please hide all child variations from index.
The rule is pretty clear, also I don't see a reason why you want to show "a several" than just one.