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To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou (Railgun)
hanabana_tsubomi misaka_mikoto saten_ruiko seifuku shirai_kuroko skirt_lift to_aru_kagaku_no_railgun to_aru_majutsu_no_index uiharu_kazari

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the high school girl (artist) drawing loli moe junior highs =D
her drawing skill is fuckin pro
Wow midzki you're right! It's great! I see kuroko in a new but cute light : ) BTW I've never seen ya say f**k b4 new achievement unlocke fir myself. Lolol Oh and I would've never guess high school artist from notenotenote artist name. I learn more everyday. ; )
oh you meant the artist x) lol, "女の子ばかり描いてます。" ^_^
Can someone translate the board into English? I'm curious what it says.
Thanks for the translation - it's not quite as profound as I hoped ;)
ChikaneHimemiya said:
I would've never guess high school artist from notenotenote artist name. I learn more everyday. ; )
I'm actually not very suprised, I saw a few girls in highschool makeing full drawings like this one, they were very good. The art teacher would take them and hang them in the hall (them being the drawings not the girls) and I would end up walking past them every day. Although I would be suprised if a quiet, secluded, highschool girl artist could make something capable of turning on a guy... ~_~ because, like, how would she know, right?
The talent is limited by things they can see. if they can see things superior, they can make themselves superior. that means their skill is came from other people who is made superior things.

...... can you see what I was trying to say with my limited English? (´・ω・`) ショボーン
why there's no such girls around me!!!
ranranking said:
why there's no such girls around me!!!
coz you're in the 3D world