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Not often I detext anything, but I'd like to see how this meets standards.
it is ok. Standarts? Oooooook, you've left a few stray pixels on the right light background area, top right quadrant.
Those blurry gradients are quite hard to replicate, in ps you can use smart layers, iirc, to adjust levels to see where more editing is needed to reproduce smooth gradients with original texture (artifacts) for better (seamless) results, time consuming in any case.
What ps version? My libpng flaged an error on color profile.
It passed muster with the moderators and enough liked it enough to score it to 48. At some point I learn to leave well enough alone.

It's untagged, but try sRGB.
The latest: 2023/24.5

I also have the Mac build of Gimp and it reports the profile as Gimp sRGB.
Thanks, I see adobe still uses old sRGB profle...
GIMP embeds its own better profile (has absolutely no meaning for most displays) when you create new file or you convert to it.
I see. I wonder where my untagged file got that.
No, I was wondering if latest ps embeds some new sRGB profile, not from 90s.
sRGB IEC61966-2.1 Relative Colorimetric is the profile they use. It's my working space.
yes, we're all been there.