
athrun1120 onozuka_komachi thighhighs touhou transparent_png

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If you are going to upload, you might as well use the original pixiv and not a terrrrrrible extraction.
Not sure what you're talking about, pretty sure that it is the original pixiv image.

Edit: just noticed petopeto changed the sample resizing. Click "Original Image" if you see a messed up image.
Uh? I didn't see the background on pixiv..

Oh, IC..
The pixiv doesn't have any bg, or is white. This has a scene bg, so rather than fail-extract they should use the actual source.
I think the resizer is just goofing on RGBA images. I'll look at it later.
the option "save color value from transparent pixel" turned on makes 32bit png looks like this when it's removed (or ignored) alpha channel.
SciFi said:
The pixiv doesn't have any bg, or is white. This has a scene bg, so rather than fail-extract they should use the actual source.
You may want to check the full size, since the resized view tends to look strange as Midzki said. =/
O.o What kind of algorithm MAKES bg when sampling, other than a broken one. I program, and I test to destruction when possible, just like you are supposed to.
Xnview can change the view mode about alpha channel (use it, or ignore it).
SciFi, just keep on being a twit and see where it leads you...
To not tweeting very much XD

But I really am fed up with the lack of testing new code some sites exhibit. Imouto is not one of them though, it was just one slip up.