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cernia_iori_flameheart cleavage dress_shirt erect_nipples ladies_versus_butlers! maid munyuu naked no_bra open_shirt saikyou_tomomi shikikagami_sanae underboob undressing wet

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No matter how many times I see it, that hair scares me.
Ponnkun said:
No matter how many times I see it, that hair scares me.
??? What hair? It all looks great to me.
Kalessin said:
??? What hair? It all looks great to me.
The hair on their heads? No but seriously now, Cernia Iori's hair, maybe this image isn't the best view of it since most of it is cut off. I mean, the ringlets her hair is styled in are HUGE.
Ponnkun said:
The hair on their heads? No but seriously now, Cernia Iori's hair, maybe this image isn't the best view of it since most of it is cut off. I mean, the ringlets her hair is styled in are HUGE.
If you say so. It looks fine to me. The style seems quite normal to me as far as anime hair goes. But to each their own I suppose.
Kalessin said:
If you say so. It looks fine to me. The style seems quite normal to me as far as anime hair goes. But to each their own I suppose.
Even though the artist/author's point was to make the hair large as a comedic device, since it's made fun of constantly by the other characters for its abnormal size in the novels. But as you said, to each their own I suppose.
It took me a second to notice. They're wider than her torso!
Ponnkun said:
Even though the artist/author's point was to make the hair large as a comedic device, since it's made fun of constantly by the other characters for its abnormal size in the novels. But as you said, to each their own I suppose.
Well, I know nothing about Ladies vs Butlers except what I can see in the pics on this site. In this pic and the few others that are tagged with her name, I see nothing odd. It's quite possible that if I were to see a pic that showed her much more clearly, I'd completely agree, but as it is, I see nothing out of the ordinary. Of course, while I do think that some styles of hair look better than others, I'm not all that particular about it, so there are probably plenty of hair styles that would make anyone who pays attention to such things cringe, while I wouldn't notice a thing.
Kalessin said:
Well, I know nothing about Ladies vs Butlers except what I can see in the pics on this site. In this pic and the few others that are tagged with her name, I see nothing odd. It's quite possible that if I were to see a pic that showed her much more clearly, I'd completely agree, but as it is, I see nothing out of the ordinary. Of course, while I do think that some styles of hair look better than others, I'm not all that particular about it, so there are probably plenty of hair styles that would make anyone who pays attention to such things cringe, while I wouldn't notice a thing.
Yup, my eye for detail is almost neurotic. ^A^