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Most girls seen at moe.imouto are loli's with few curves. Variation doesn't hurt. =)
Ixtli_hm said:
Most girls seen at moe.imouto are loli's with few curves. Variation doesn't hurt. =)
you must include trap's butts into a variation
What are those scissors doing there?
Debbie said:
What are those scissors doing there?
Because she takes a lot of accessories with her under her skirt. Maybe that scissors is what she left there when she's taking off her skirt =v=
Not so much accessories as stationary with sharp points.
tenyuhuang said:
Because she takes a lot of accessories with her under her skirt. Maybe that scissors is what she left there when she's taking off her skirt =v=
no man :P its because the character in the anime was discribed as a crab and the scissors represented her claws, that and a stapler