This post was deleted. Reason: Poor quality.. MD5: 936d4a067b6099d5e05ed2a6093455b0

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I have got this version which scanned by a Chinese for quite a while, but the quality is a mess so I didn't upload them. it's not worth using png to stitch them..
fireattack said:
I have got this version which scanned by a Chinese for quite a while, but the quality is a mess so I didn't upload them. it's not worth using png to stitch them..
Maa....the scan's quality is a little worse certainly.But to some Chinese scaners,they aren't very professional.Just for a hobby or love to do it.(笑)
I hope the professional scaners to scan it.<(_ _)>
I'm sure I've seen her coming down those stairs before..
I have some state-of-the-art-(ish) equipments but lack the courage to debind books...