
headphones vania600

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Sony MDR-V6s if I'm not mistaken. Her mp3 player looks as if it could double as a radiation detector though.
Xcalibur said:
Sony MDR-V6s if I'm not mistaken. Her mp3 player looks as if it could double as a radiation detector though.
I agree it's pretty funny hahahahaha [^_^]
It's a good pic, but isn't it too small for here?
There are a lot of sub-1000px dimension images lately. It kind of bums me out, even if they DO have good artwork on them. ><
That's Sony PCM-D50, a professional portable recorder...also can be used as a mp3 player >.<
I can't spot any of the supposed jpeg artifacts...
Maciste said:
I can't spot any of the supposed jpeg artifacts...
View the full size img at 200% (or more if you need it), then look at the roof support and stars.
SciFi said:
View the full size img at 200% (or more if you need it), then look at the roof support and stars.
So in other words it isn't visible to the naked eye?
No, I can find them at 100% in the stars in the other top corner, but not everyone apparently.
That is just what I did the other night. I only do it when I've seen something but don't know what.
Better chance of spotting oddness around the logo and text on the headphones. But the colour difference with the surroundings isn't huge so it doesn't stand out much. The same can be said for the stars. Most obvious artifacts would be in her hair (among other places at the back of her head though) if you ask me.

Hard to spot quickly though imo.
I think jpeg_artifacts should add only following cases.
1) clearly visible and ugly by everyone's normal view
2) jpegged down from the original.
3) wrong compression like jpeg re-compression, or png from jpeg.
I'm adding jpeg_artifacts on a slight visible ones, but those are case 2) or case 3).
Xcalibur said:
Sony MDR-V6s if I'm not mistaken. Her mp3 player looks as if it could double as a radiation detector though.
that looks like a calculator to me oO
I have a ???? It may sound dumb but here gose what jpeg_artifacts lol•_•'
I also noticed that her left eye is mest up to its to big. And can anyone tell were she is going on that ticket I'm curios lol ^__^
OMG, you guys. Huge images just take up memory. If you like the art and can see stuff clear enough, isn't that enough? Its got a pretty good rating, too.
Rebel121 said:
I also noticed that her left eye is mest up to its to big. And can anyone tell were she is going on that ticket I'm curios lol ^__^
maybe she was going for a sideward glance?....
It's a sound recorder, not a basic player