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(New?) Chinese artist but.. fake ishikei? :P and 16-year-old.. fffff
isn't it illegal in china?
so many imposters ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Ghhhhhhhhhhh. Carnelian, Ryohka, Kobuichi, now even Ishikei is getting copied.
Well it's more than I'd expect from a 16-year guy. Copycat-like style but still decent enough.
What ARE you talking bout? How'd you even know he's 16 and whether he's a fake and which artist he copied from?!

midzki said:
isn't it illegal in china?

BTW it seems he lives in Japan now?
Atys said:
What ARE you talking bout? How'd you even know he's 16 and whether he's a fake and which artist he copied from?!
Atys, about his age, I believe he must have put it on his Pixiv profile page.
About the style, it's obvious that he is trying to copy Ishikei's style.

Ishikei is a very famous and outstanding artist. His style, mainly the skin coloring, is original, perfectionist and easy to remember.
I guess I just don't need to explain anything at all.
Just type ishikei on the search box and you'll see it with your own eyes.
You'll see many similarities among their style. Maybe too many.

Anyone who knows Ishikei's style well can instantly recognize it.
And I must say, there are quite some people who can. It seems like Ishikei got some fame with his colored doujins.

fireattack said:
he lives in Japan now?
Japan saves lifes.
There's no absolute rule or law saying you cannot copy someone else's style. You guys might as well get over it.
Copying styles happens everywhere, particularly in art but also literature, painting, music etc. Some people make something new by taking in a lot of old they like and using that as, well I suppose the word is inspiration. Part of that process is getting to grips with the old, downright carbon copying.
I'm not angry at anyone because of style copy.
I just think they could have made their own style.
I don't mind much if they keep copying others, as long as their copy is good.
midzki said:
isn't it illegal in china?
just I thought about posting the rating-18 image by 16 years old
aoie_emesai said:
There's no absolute rule or law saying you cannot copy someone else's style. You guys might as well get over it.
Sames goes for people making wallpapers of others work either (if) removing the sign left by the author and or making a vectorshit whatever it's called claiming it as your own when you lack the skills to make your "own" art in the first place.
midzki said:
just I thought about posting the rating-18 image by 16 years old
We should start requiring birth-date checks ;)
Debbie said:
Atys, about his age, I believe he must have put it on his Pixiv profile page.
"I guess I just don't need to explain anything at all."
you talked as if its everyday fact that I dont know pivix. well, sorry for being on the slow side because I can't READ japanese :D

Does everyone around here have a Pixiv account?
Would a non-japanese reading person understand enough to use it (recall seeing it riddled with japanese.)?
I can't read Japanese either, lol...
Yeah, it is possible to use it, Teruchan once made several tutorials about how to register, how to upload pictures, etc... Well you might be interested on that? I don't know how much you know about Pixiv, sorry if you know all this already. Just trying to help, please don't be offended my pixiv
(;´Д`)ハァハァ/lァ/lァ/ヽァ/ヽァ ノ \ア ノ \ア / \ ア / \ ア
Lol at the little cute Cirno. Hehe