
alphonse_elric astro-g den_(fma) dress edward_elric fullmetal_alchemist winry_rockbell

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Banana-face alphones...
Winry w/ lipstick...
Dog has poppy-doll eyes...
edward is now ...erm... not steam-punk cool

Begone! Back to DeviantArt with you!
Well, it's definitely better than I could ever do (I have no artistic talent whatsoever), but there's no question that this doesn't do a very good job of making the characters look like they're supposed to. Winry in particular isn't at all recognizable. The only way to deduce that it's Winry is based on who else is in the pic. There are certainly worse out there, but this could have been a lot better.
Atys said:
Banana-face alphones...
i never see a nose so pointed....from ed.....
*tempest_feather* said:
i never see a nose so pointed....from ed.....
You don't have to comment on everything you know...