This post has a child post. (post #128621)

censored ko~cha maid windmill

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LOL clearly the food she prepared is a culinary obscenity.
Surely this is the wrong use of the censored tag...
Wouldn't the simplest guideline be "it has censoring applied so it gets the tag"...
You can tell it's not "that" kind of censoring from the safe rating :)
Chrissues said:
Wouldn't the simplest guideline be "it has censoring applied so it gets the tag"...
What is proportion of censored explicit images compared to censored safe images? Tag is redundant for safe images.
Censored is redundant for explicit images too. They are censored unless they have been uncensored.
Radioactive said:
What is proportion of censored explicit images compared to censored safe images? Tag is redundant for safe images.
Yes let's add exceptions in stead of simplicity... but whatever.

van said:
Censored is redundant for explicit images too. They are censored unless they have been uncensored.
Having both is redundant, I've said that before and still think it is, but not the point here.
Chrissues said:
Having both is redundant, I've said that before and still think it is, but not the point here.
It's not redundant to have both, there are times when you just can't be sure or those where neither applies.
van said:
Censored is redundant for explicit images too. They are censored unless they have been uncensored.
there are 225 pages of rating:e images that have neither censored nor uncensored tag...
I get the impression that, generally speaking, the censored tag gets used when the image is censored and the uncensored tag gets used when that image is uncensored, and there is another version of that image on the site which is censored. But they're definitely not applied consistently. About all that you can count on is that if it's tagged as censored, it's pretty much guaranteed to be censored, and if it's tagged as uncensored, it's pretty much guaranteed to be uncensored. The untagged ones could be anything.

I could even see someone tagging an image as both censored and uncensored if one character's genitals were clearly censored while anothers were clearly not (though I question that that's ever happened).
Radioactive said:
I really hate tags.
Fixed my own comment.
Azarel said:
there are 225 pages of rating:e images that have neither censored nor uncensored tag...
Not everything explicit need one of these tags.
The tag should be used for parental censorship not humorous fun and factor like this.

Kalessin said:
I get the impression that, generally speaking, the censored tag gets used when the image is censored and the uncensored tag gets used when that image is uncensored...
This is where my understand of the tag holds at too.
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