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ass k-on! masturbation mine nakano_azusa naked nipples photoshop pussy thighhighs uncensored

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wow, took me a whole 10 minutes to remove the censor... That didn't really count as a censor...

Does this count as a photoshop?
It counts as lazy. If you are going to edit out the censoring you could at least try to hide the undefined fault in the skin tone.
The only actual fix I know is complete replacement.
SciFi said:
you could at least try to hide the undefined fault in the skin tone.
"Undefined fault in the skin tone"? Please elaborate... ~_~
Aw jeeze, this is going to bug me until I know what the heck he was talking about. I can't see anything leftover from the censor...
JASH, SciFi was talking about her left ass cheek you messed up the outline but i dont care its still better then I could ever do. :)
SciFi said:
It counts as lazy. If you are going to edit out the censoring you could at least try to hide the undefined fault in the skin tone.
The only actual fix I know is complete replacement.
heh i didnt even notice it was messed up was too interested in what was going on XD
Death9095 said:
JASH, SciFi was talking about her left ass cheek you messed up the outline but i dont care its still better then I could ever do. :)
He's talking about how if you tilt your screen and increase the contrast and such the colors look all weird and clipped. Not sure what you mean by 'the outline', I didn't redraw anything here.