This post was deleted. Reason: User-created wallpaper. MD5: 6ee2c33de5b1cd86e8376eae53199a2e
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I don't think this is a user-created wallpaper, but I'm a bit skeptical that it may be a cropping of a larger image.
Ponnkun said:
I don't think this is a user-created wallpaper, but I'm a bit skeptical that it may be a cropping of a larger image.
I have to agree with Ponnkun.
Danbooru says it is official art.
That's why I don't delete it directly. The art part of this one looks like extracted from a scan..

All of it looks like a scan. maybe a cropped wallpaper? or some of filters..
Modified date: 2010:09:20
Software: Photoshop CS


(anyway who made it, it's failed as a wp.. not only noise level, also color levels are unnatural)

it's scan of TECH GIAN 2010 november issue bonus extras
Mahotsukai no Yoru aoko B2 poster

B2 size =500mmx707mm=19 5/8inx12 7/8in
The original scan maybe from share