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Notice: This post used a experimental downscale&upscale method to denoise and smooth lines, so it was a upscaled one, but without any detail loss. Tell me if you don't like this way to fix.
囧rz you'll never show mercy.
Just think it's a way to make a better fix (Compare to the simplely denoise).
If you downscale, you lose detail (unless you somehow got hold of a HollywoodOS computer, which can upscale and add detail that wasn't there in the smaller image).
Radioactive said:
Upscaled images are horrible
Even ones created by the original artist?
Mr_GT said:
Even ones created by the original artist?
The artist sets the canvas size he/she wants to work on. They won't upscale stuff. It will be /drawn/ at that specific res.
it's AM150~175lpi but scans are 400dpi. more info: screening type
syaoran-kun said:
The artist sets the canvas size he/she wants to work on. They won't upscale stuff. It will be /drawn/ at that specific res.
Understood thought now that remembers me of a chat with certain artist. spoiler
ender said:
If you downscale, you lose detail (unless you somehow got hold of a HollywoodOS computer, which can upscale and add detail that wasn't there in the smaller image).
Actually, I use the similar software to rebuild the details, I have told about it before, called a S-Spline Max algorithm.

downscale&upscale method:

S1. In PS, first do a little sharpening, then denoise(hard), and denoise again(soft), then do a very little sharpening, then remove dust manually.

S2. In ACDSee, downscale the photo to 1/4 with Bell algorithm(eg. 4000x2000 to 2000x1000). Much noise will be smoothed during the downscale, and lines will be more smooth and sharp.

S3. In PS, do a very little denoise again, now the photo should be much clean than before.

S4. In PhotoZoom, upscale the photo back to original res use S-Spline Max, this algorithm will rebuild details and lines(not just make the photo bigger), if the information from the downscaled photo is enough, the final upscaled photo will have the same details as raw, and more clean, lines are more smooth and also sharp enough.

S5. In PS, if there are some lines not natural, fix them manually. Finish.

Tips: This method only works with the scan photo, which has a over highres (this over highres only detail the scan noise, no use for the CG itself, so we can do a downscale without detail loss, it's the base of this denoise method.)

post #162209 use the same method to denoise and work better than this post(experienced)
Mr_GT said:
Even ones created by the original artist?
A little off-topic.. I wonder if Photoshop has a plug-in that can add more algorithms of resizing?..
fireattack said:
A little off-topic.. I wonder if Photoshop has a plug-in that can add more algorithms of resizing?..
I doubt about that...
Photozoom added 8bf plugin into PS CS5 when I installed it, but I couldn't find any changes >_>
fireattack said:
A little off-topic.. I wonder if Photoshop has a plug-in that can add more algorithms of resizing?..
Probably someone needs to code it.. I wouldn't mind seeing Mitchell and Blackman resize methods on PS.