
bikini_top black_rock_shooter nagian swimsuits thighhighs white_rock_shooter

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There's a White Rock Shooter now? Bloody hell.
Aw, if im gonna render this gotta fix the lens flare T.T

Great new character.
Love the design
I wonder if this is a sign of new artwork to come from Huke.
I wanna see the Huke version of this! (if there is any)
Very talented, excellent art, but honestly, the eponymy is terrible. Even "White Mechanic Scyther" or "Angelic Reaper" would have been better...
Shanyy said:
Very talented, excellent art, but honestly, the eponymy is terrible. Even "White Mechanic Scyther" or "Angelic Reaper" would have been better...
All in favor for WRS's new name to be Shanyy say I!
SaaiXlor said:
All in favor for WRS's new name to be Shanyy say I!
-1 :P

They-Call-Me-Wheels said:
I wonder if this is a sign of new artwork to come from Huke.