
charlotte_dunois infinite_stratos naked nipples pussy transparent_png uncensored vector_trace

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Minor screw-up on th rear foot though. Anyone know the original source for this image? (Seeing as it has the photoshop tag.)
though her knees are really bad, but other than that GOOD
Maybe its time to change his/her name?
SaaiXlor said:
Maybe its time to change his/her name?
ryuzaki said:
her name is charlotte not charles
gradow said:
her name is charlotte not charles
it is the same thing
blooregardo said:
it is the same thing
Not really.
At the start Charles dressed like a guy and acted like a guy.
When She became a girl, she acted and looked like a girl.

Maybe we should just use both tags?
Wasn't this "Charles" thing a disguise?

Charlotte makes more sense.