
bodysuit itacho mecha mecha_musume

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translation fail? Not sure what the screens are saying.
Engrish on every screens. :>
Cute girl on a skintight bodysuit and you guys are reading the screens?
Attention! 02
Malware program is ruining your robots' english and mechanical program!!

wait!! that's no ordinary virus!! 02! retreat at once!! that... that is.... that is our former ally 0(9)!!
((please take a deep look at the writting below ASF thingy saying "Ataiteba Saikyou ne extension" or Eye am strongets ekstenzion ))

swatti said:
Cute girl on a skintight bodysuit and you guys are reading the screens?
because it's kind of ruining the image actually, or at least that is what I think ^^
She's not that cute anyway...