
anyannko censored fellatio fingering loli naked nipples penis pussy uncensored

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ok.... this just crossed the line too much. -___-
This artist's works are not my cups of tea
This is the sort of picture that I'd be scared to have on my computer.
Kalessin said:
This is the sort of picture that I'd be scared to have on my computer.
This is the sort of picture that makes me clear my browser cache.
WHY DID I CLICK THIS?! I'm a retard, that's why.
Wow ... this is scary to have in any person's computer ...
If this had the proper dimensions I would use it as a wallpaper. Maybe I can crop it enough to do that.
this made me laugh too much
Okay there is no justifying this, this is WAAAAY over the line of acceptable lolicon and well into the field of pedophilia, I am not amused.
You've got blacklists so please use them.
A liitle too far for this.
Cabbagefoot said:
Okay there is n justifying this, this is WAAAAY over the line of acceptable lolicon and well into the field of pedophilia, I am not amused.
That was the most retarded thing I've heard in a while. "over the line of acceptable lolicon, into the field of pedophilia" really?
No, it's lolicon, a bit younger than usual, but there isn't even anything like rape or violence or gore going on in the picture, so I don't care about your delicate eyes, but it's pretty harmless so either stop complaining and writing stuff that is just stupid or blacklist loli for your own good.
loli means underaged kids having sex..if you are ok with loli itself while is pedophile from its birth then you should be ok with this..this is loli and if you dont like it stay clear...
Guys, this is a cartoon, alright? They're not real kids. They're just that. Cartoons. Stop being delusional and treating them like they're real and calling it pedophilia.
Metaler said:
Guys, this is a cartoon, alright? They're not real kids. They're just that. Cartoons. Stop being delusional and treating them like they're real and calling it pedophilia.
tell that the government ... :/
I don't really like to discuss this on here seeing as I prefer to take it to IRC, but seeing as I've seen one of anyannko's images flagged for deletion three times over the last 42h, I'll say my bit.

It's not a crime to be a pedophile. If it was, then it would be a crime to be a misanthrope or a sociopath.

What constitutes the crimes are having images of real children being abused or abusing real children in turn (at this point the person becomes a child molestor, not a pedophile.)

MG127 said:
tell that the government ... :/
The government live in their own little dream world. They're no different from those who actually abuse children if they can't tell the difference between a person and a drawing. (I remember reading a quote on Slashdot from someone who was abused as a child, but she came out and defended lolicon, saying that she could see the difference.)

I mean, terrorism's illegal; so what if I draw a picture of a house and say I planted SEMTEX inside? What if I say I'm holding people hostage? What if I tear the drawing up? Destruction of property?

That said, the illegality of it isn't to do with "pedophilia" or "protecting children," it's to do with obscenity.

I find lots of things obscene personally (football/soccer player's paychecks for example), but they're not illegal.

I personally find real child abuse abhorrent (as any sane person should, and as it should be), but I love lolicon. But that mainly stems down to the fact that I find anime characters attractive since they represent purity (at least to me.)

I'd rather have an attraction to say... the girls from Shuffle! than have to date some girl who smokes, drinks, can't keep her legs closed for five minutes, etc, etc. (Basically someone British. :P)

Incidently, lolicon is illegal here in the UK, but that hasn't stopped me from possessing it.

There are some things I am more than happy to go to trial and/or prison for.

The rest of the sheep in this country might be brainwashed by what the gov't says, but at least I can think for myself.
MG127 said:
tell that the government ... :/
I think the government in most countries have nothing against lolicon stuff.
I know mine doesn't. Too bad there are nations where it's a crime, I can't think of it having anything but negative effect on the REAL issue. Pent up sexual frustration can be much more dangerous.than looking at drawings of children.
You all might think differently if you have kids of your own some day. I pity them if you don't.
A weak argument, and I won't think differently. They're free to look all they want as long as they keep it 2D.
The government here doesn't seem to mind lolicon too much. At least, there haven't been any cases of someone being arrested for possessing a pic like this.

Also, WasteOfSpace, your argument assumes that the act of having children is capable of changing anyone's mind about lolicon, which, I believe, is incorrect.

And guys, the government doesn't give two shits about us, or the people. They laugh at the concept of general will.
Metaler said:
And guys, the government doesn't give two shits about us, or the people.
They do when they want to be elected. :3
You really shouldn't try to justify cp. And my argument is stronger than yours. And yes it will change some peoples views. Some people it won't. It certainly changed mine. And generally, it's society that dictates opinions and views of most governments. Japan is probably the only country where you could freely walk with lolicon manga (the porn variety) and no one would say anything, meaning it's more accepted there than anywhere else. In North America that would be a different story, you'd either be arrested or get the shit kicked out of you. And not only that, society would shun you and good luck getting a job after that or having a meaningful life. Well it's all irrelevant anyway. In most modern countries it's illegal. If you want to change it, become the leader of your country or make a society that approves of it. Trying to justify it here won't make any difference to the cops who are putting the handcuffs on you.
WasteOfSpace said:
You really shouldn't try to justify cp. And my argument is stronger than yours. And yes it will change some peoples views. Some people it won't. It certainly changed mine. And generally, it's society that dictates opinions and views of most governments. Japan is probably the only country where you could freely walk with lolicon manga (the porn variety) and no one would say anything, meaning it's more accepted there than anywhere else. In North America that would be a different story, you'd either be arrested or get the shit kicked out of you. And not only that, society would shun you and good luck getting a job after that or having a meaningful life. Well it's all irrelevant anyway. In most modern countries it's illegal. If you want to change it, become the leader of your country or make a society that approves of it. Trying to justify it here won't make any difference to the cops who are putting the handcuffs on you.
Please stop posting and use your blacklist. If you don't i'll be forced to take illegal actions against you.
loli rating:e

then no more problems ever again unless the blacklist screws up.
Use the blacklist or else I'm going to start banning people for being asshats soon.

Why else would I put loli rating:e as a default blacklist? If you have problems with the contents then don't remove it. Else stop using the site.
It's already blacklisted. Why do you assume it's not? I hadn't said anything against the image just the comments. I suppose I am not allowed an opinion opposite of pro lolicon statements? Because that's all it was. I guess I'll quit before the rest of the bandwagon shows up and more threats come.
Saying that it's illegal in most modern countries already make you look stupid, so yes, you'd better go away.
And we're "justifying CP" or think that's right only as much as you do. Confusing the two already means you're either ignorant or just wanting to troll.
大哥 你们怎么都讲english I can not say english ,because I am a student
You know, I honestly thought this was a decent site. I should have realized when I saw one other person gave an opinion a while ago have the same thing happen. The band wagon rolls in, gets called a troll, gets threatened to be banned etc, etc. I thought maybe he had made other comments to attract such attention but now I know it's the people here themselves. Kinda like AP(pretty pictures), MT(assholes) and 4chan(nuff said) all rolled into one. Got a lot of pretty pictures but there's a lot of assholes running the place. Maybe you have your reasons for being like that, but not everyone is here to cause trouble or to troll. You guys are just too sensitive to your loli fetish. Next you'll be calling it a sexual orientation like homosexuality or heterosexuality. And novalisk, you could use your 'superior knowledge' and correct us ignorant people instead of being a dick. But why don't you just go pound sand. I'll leave you all to your own little world, I really don't feel like dumbing myself down anymore than I have by coming here to make this last post. admin2, you can go ahead and ban this account, not like it'll matter but it might make you feel better. It's not like I meant to start a fight, had I known you'd all react this badly I would kept my fingers off the keyboard. Let this be a lesson to you kids, lurk for a few years before you post.
Walls of text, the forum loves them.
WasteOfSpace said:
but there's a lot of assholes running the place.
Good afternoon to you too.
One less "asshole" to have around
Jigsy said:
They do when they want to be elected. :3
They pretend to. They don't. (Most of them.)
The politicians who actually care about people are eventually thrown out of the game of power. It doesn't fit the interest of the powerful ones.
Seriously, if you have complaints about loli/futa/extreme content and that it should be removed/banned, stop commenting and stop using the site.

As of now I'm having zero tolerance with complaints. Anyone complaining will get a one day ban, and if they keep it up they'll stay banned.

End of discussion.
novalisk said:
That was the most retarded thing I've heard in a while. "over the line of acceptable lolicon, into the field of pedophilia" really?
No, it's lolicon, a bit younger than usual, but there isn't even anything like rape or violence or gore going on in the picture, so I don't care about your delicate eyes, but it's pretty harmless so either stop complaining and writing stuff that is just stupid or blacklist loli for your own good.
I respect your liking of lolicon, I like lolicon as well. But this is not lolicon IMO. When i think lolicon, I think very young grils that have a small aspect of sexuality to them in combination to their cute appearance. This on the other hand is not lolicon IMO because the girls are clearly nonsexual but rather oblivious to what is occurring. The picture implies that they were brought up to do these sexual acts with the adults without even understanding what it is that they are doing. This is why i feel that the picture is morally repugnant.
It looks to me like they're enjoying the act, and anything else is up to your interpretation, really, I don't think it is morally more repugnant than many pictures.
It's sweet, if anything, it's hard to get turned on by the picture, even.
Wow...imagine waking up beside a loli...I would be dead in a second...
By that you mean beautiful?
bleah.dude said:
loli means underaged kids having sex..if you are ok with loli itself while is pedophile from its birth then you should be ok with this..this is loli and if you dont like it stay clear...
Majorly agreed by the Depatment of law jurisdiction #173.229.899 and 179.252337,
Everthing is copasetic and lovey dovey in this image the looks on those girls faves all seem like they're right where they want to be. This picture has sensor blur and doesn't even show a penis penatrating a vagina, which sevaral images on this site do, anyone who objects to this image is probably on the wrong booru the word loli comes from the term lolita complex, which derives it's name from the novel "Lolita" about a man who's sexualy obsessed with his underage step daughter, this is lolibooru, if you object to illustrations depicting sexual contact between adults and lolis/shotas, and just want to see illustrations of naked or nearly naked children, there are other tamer boorus.