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I would prefer it if we avoided signed wallpapers.
Radioactive said:
I would prefer it if we avoided signed wallpapers.
Most of not all wallpapers should have the creators name on it.
If it's the actual original artist signing his work, and the work stands on its own, then I don't have a problem with it; it's no different than any other signed image. Of course, it's nice when an artist signs his work tastefully (which this is not), but that's up to the artist.

If it's someone hacking up another person's work in Photoshop (extract, crop, slap it on some background), then I have serious issues with them "signing their work". It's not their work; they're signing their name on someone else's art. That's somewhere between arrogance and outright plagiarism--complete disrespect for the art and the artist.

(I don't know which this one is; I don't pay attention to code geass to know if this is original or not. Most wallpapers are definitely in the second category, though.)
True. But if you notice, (that's if anyone even reads some of the disclaimers on the artist's page) it usually says do not reproduce or post on other sites or your own with permission from the original creator. Some of the wallpapers here do come from some artist's page. Though of course, it's not necessary to remove them unless they personally come here to ask of admin2 or the mods to remove them.

I remember someone that came here asking for the removal of a wallpaper, but it was deemed not necessary cause this person wasn't the original creator.
If someone has a real claim to part of the image, such as creating the background, then I don't know about that. I'm not sure that's related to signed wallpapers, though.
It looks like the OP was the creator of the wallpaper.

If the original artist made the wallpaper I would have no issues. We aren't here to host low-res user created content. Signed wallpapers would be better posted on other image boards.

Vectors/Extractions are special cases.
C.C._pizza_Lover said:
wen did this turn to a debate?
1.6 years ago.
1.6-1.4 yrs ago. That's too much of a zombification for me. Any mods feel same way?
It's interesting to know how they were thinking before I came here
( ゚▽゚)/

this may be deleted if it posted recently due to the quality issue. also 1024x768 couldn't be a wallpaper in this age. it's became merely a low-res resolution now.
Huh?? What going be deleted? The post? And yup I've set my lowest res standard at 1.5x2.0k lolz.
I don't mind low-res original drawing..
but I'm severe about photoshops.