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ass bayonetta bayonetta_(character) bayonetta_2 bodysuit cg gun megane sega

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Should it be tagged as sega or nintendo?
It's a Nintendo (WII U) exclusive this time around so most likely Nintendo
What about the games by Sega that were only released on gamecube?
It wasn't about what platform the game is on. It is about who funded the development of the game. Sega didn't give the money to platinum game this time; it is Nintendo who gave the money, so Sega simply does not own bayonetta2.
Bayonetta remains a license of sega, nintendo just possess the rights on bayonnetta 2, bayonetta is a sega license.
project zero co-prod tecmo koei nintendo futur game
fly24 said:
Bayonetta remains a license of sega, nintendo just possess the rights on bayonnetta 2, bayonetta is a sega license.
project zero co-prod tecmo koei nintendo futur game
You did make a point. Sega still has the IP for bayonetta. It wasn't like they sold the IP to nintendo.

To me it is like sega is the landlord, but nintendo rented the place, built a house and possessed the right to access it. Now we are asking whose house it is.

It is up to the mod to decide the appropicate tagging then.