
dress gun kei_(k_tmr) summer_dress sword weapon

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What's the usage of that blue square shaped weapon.
that is a Bible,something like that
Hit them with the corner.
If Van is right it's just the deadliest weapon ever created
What a beautiful picture. I mean ... Who does not like a pandoras box filled with weapons and a beautiful girl? The atmosphere is just perfect.
phatkap said:
If Van is right it's just the deadliest weapon ever created
No, the worlds deadliest weapon is a piece of lego. Try standing on one with a bare foot.
Radioactive said:
No, the worlds deadliest weapon is a piece of lego. Try standing on one with a bare foot.
Try kneeing on one.
If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger ... boy, if that were true I should have become real dangerous... :-)
prodigallink said:
Its the user Manual.
Therefore, if you read it to someone - he will fall asleep instantly!
Powerful stuff, that.