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akiyama_mio coffee-kizoku guitar k-on! seifuku

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She's cute.
What Anime is she from?
Zuko said:
What Anime is she from?
Purple tag.
this anime like 'cure girl ' 国村古都音?kunimura
Zuko said:
She's cute.
What Anime is she from?
eroi said:
this anime like 'cure girl ' 国村古都音?kunimura
Same artist, makes sens
Zuko said:
She's cute.
What Anime is she from?
U r the first person that I met that's never herd of k-on...
Oneesama said:
U r the first person that I met that's never herd of k-on...
not everyone likes shows with cute girls doing cute things. Some want substance over cute stuff :p
But well it's a cute and funny show worth to watch it at at least 1 time.