- ? sprite 129
- ? suzumori 99
- ? ao no kanata no four rhythm 156
- ? tobisawa misaki 93
- ? dakimakura 9434
- ? pantsu 172702
- ? panty pull 33458
- ? seifuku 152082
- ? skirt lift 113298 pillowcase panties school uniform pantsuga underwear pantypull seifuku shoujo 裏(限定) 表 裏 serafuku pantsu2 panties under pantyhose pink panties school girl schoolgirl black panties pink pantsu blue pantsu pantsy /dress up/ dress up holding skirt dress lift bow panties white panties red panties bikini bottom pull frilled panties visable panties panty peek blue panties orange panties lace panties maid panties panties aside
- Id: 313549
- Posted: about 10 years ago by 雪車町
- Size: 2287x7478
- Rating: Questionable
- Score: 262
- Favorited by: dexter88, retareta, Melodict, Reek77, 贪吃的猫, 姬柊雪菜, jimmy123321, xu3vup4vu06, Melonpaper, AnimeFan18, RemIzuna, Destructodoom, 水A幻, okzy520, kianasama, 日枝田史绪, KiritoCy, Hitesh2002, INNNI, rdpdr, V..., bhpp, LoliSquare, yohong86, lurww, wind6, itsuka012, Etrema, yandebeebee, beiyue, 5002, linkasuna98, petak11, 秋月愛莉, ptc666ck, zoexccer, konsana, yuannuan, Omega87, slowloris, fengguohongchen, nekomiry, spicey, wyl0107, Ayanoreku, heyned, chihai411, ольга, Serial07, mei810, moefree, Coabi, Muzee, ncbdnetwork, RitoChan, Reiter, Koma87, hhhh123123, okenuncafainada, qingxinyuyue, 409105001, x-jan, qaz110wsx110, l1132021548, sokusan, nekomimi0413, Pogi, saox, 时光之外任我行, GreatSir, HeavenlyJade, ptx007c, kusanagi_kyo, hira390, Pikah, conan0097, dosukoi38, WhoopteDo, Yugo87, poehalcho, ChaosRT, naota.2015, Veta91, xxxalice, AdamArt, sushiii, GG985140, locoskull, captainwoodroe, Healeffect, chrisbbs, am4020442004, lichtzhang, fallenangelm25, zspazm, 坠落, ting9661077, Parlath, FSRL2000, orochidrako, Cleavage, Kekara, goddio, Xerneas26, Sagepsypris, find, jomoechan, vspxjo2004-7, x85434288, azami, ditama, diablo330, PKMNtrainerRED, trace5333, ibrs, autumnnnrain, Anuca, jsanchezflores13, 790043753, syakure9, Tuzhan_Maple, 雪の舞, ahack, forceablaze, TemkeyLezray, Irdiumraven, mossad10086, judas04, h2so4cuso4, Sakurazaki, gekidokutoufu, allenvi, felix430, rockkevin, Ojiki, cyt1995, kals3r87, fredomone, Kalessin, soulsamurai3222, PinnedDownMenace, nooanianqueetus, CeruleanShu, Inartion, Lamii, rokiseed, wsmile, alma79, 刘宇帆, lazymushi, Ev1L, Rambo99, karas100, 01234, kicu8, airei, bluswang, laomenzhi, vita, javarou, 物部深月, vreatinve, 神前美月, skydragonbeast, wandalynn, damimida, hujisaki0123, Duofeng, qweasd578, Deko, cuzuki, oronaldo, moqtar, edogawaconan, sasuke59, kitt18, yce, azure4488, Akseru, terroralien, Ricky92, johnishida, essu-kun, dragoncaliber, squirrelfarm, Azarel, talbo, cookie009, Hypernova, miuna1505, Twinsenzw, SeeThrough, kaktuseen, itzspooky, QwxLux, Teri, pentacle, Magicmanx, gqlgzy, SeaDarts, S-FREEDOM, chlebekk, YunGoon, eumesmo, CoyoteMister, ri2280548722, copyszj, CWC, OmegaZX, aqua_water, gibwar, nphuongsun93, qwert13570, ricky1412, ncjlc163, Selection-, fdsert, baluce, bl4ckscy7he, soddein, AspenExcel, tangerineCC, fudanchii, SenjounoValkyria, makiechang, fairyren, clanfurt, SongoPl (222 more)
about 10 years ago雪車町
about 10 years agoI estimated Suzumori doing this character from autograph of this image.
about 10 years agoAnd another one which specifically specifies Itsuka doing the main heroines
If anything, my guess would be either:
- Itsuka did the original design and then they both just draws whatever they need to regardless
- or the reverse, Suzumori did the original design and then split on who draws them in game
- the information on the book is outdated/wrong
There could be more information but I haven't gotten time to check further.