
business_suit jojo's_bizarre_adventure male parody

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Of all the people running for president I see Trump as closest to the Joestars. Heck Him and Joseph share a lot of similarities. With being rich people (atleast in Diamond is Unbreakable) who cheat on their wives.

I wonder if his stand is Money,Money,Money or The Wall
Oh. Do we need a Trump tag now?
The Trump is real.

Build The Wall, do it!
lucefire27 said:
The Trump is real.

Build The Wall, do it!
I wish that wall could block the usa gov from getting their asses involved with other countries business or killing people,,,,
eh wait ! ZEONIST AGAINST Trumpa ? è_é

(Conflict for 2017.)
A quien carajos se le ocurrio esto xD ?
get your flight ticket and ready to leave
wansheng said:
get your flight ticket and ready to leave
Immediately for the moon (¬‿¬)

(Secret Project Governmental.)
God damn this is so awesome.