This post has a child post. (post #512760)

armor censored heels heroina_di_caballero_ista kin'iro_loveriche pantsu saga_planets sword thighhighs topless toranosuke

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Who thought it was a good idea to censor her niples like that? Hmmm guess I'll wait for an uncensored one
DuwangHunter said:
Who thought it was a good idea to censor her niples like that? Hmmm guess I'll wait for an uncensored one
me too
DuwangHunter said:
Who thought it was a good idea to censor her niples like that? Hmmm guess I'll wait for an uncensored one
Obviously because this and 409809 were supposed to be sample images? lol
Not sure what they were thinking, but there was even one point where a completely uncensored version of this image came out of one of Sofmap's Twitter accounts. And I freakin' refreshed the page, and it was nowhere to be found again...Now they're also adding the word SAMPLE to these sample images (as they should've done from the beginning), so even this version will take some effort to find.