This post was deleted. Reason: Anatomical issues. MD5: 12fd7b361a4e34099364b7160c0019f0

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Wait a second. How many joints does she have in her right forefinger?.
Radioactive said:
Wait a second. How many joints does she have in her right forefinger?.
it looks like it's bending all the way around but i think it's just weird perspective :P
the bottom part is the palm, not fingertip
You have three phalanx in a finger. This is just bad artwork.
You are really a fussy dude, don't you?
To be bothered by such a little thing. The art itself is still beautiful and it's not this bad for a deletion.
Damn right I am, and we should be uploading the best artwork we can. We're pretty much an unique online site, so don't forget that.
Yeah and there are no other images with mistakes here too. Even worse than that. (sarcasm)
Of course there are, but believe me I was a lot stricter when I was a mod.
Really mod? Because of the finger? And what's with the other images, were have much bigger mistakes?
BattlequeenYume said:
Really mod? Because of the finger? And what's with the other images, were have much bigger mistakes?
On it
BQY - You could always volunteer to clear up the historical poor quality images.