
aki_(pokemon) ambipom animal_ears ayako_(pokemon) bandaid bathing bibarel bike_shorts bikini bronzong buizel buneary cacnea chimchar cleavage croagunk crystal_(pokemon) drifloon feebas gardevoir glameow gligar goyou_(pokemon) guitar gun happiny hikari_(pokemon) hippopotas hiyouta_(pokemon) honoka_(pokemon) j_(pokemon) junsaa_(pokemon) kasumi_(pokemon) kengo_(pokemon) kojirou kojirou_(pokemon) kouhei_(pokemon) lucario magikarp mai_(pokemon) mai_francois_joy maid marble_(pokemon) marina_(pokemon) megane meowth mime_jr. miru_(pokemon) misdreavus momi_(pokemon) monster musashi_(pokemon) naoshi_(pokemon) natane_(pokemon) neko nozomi_(pokemon) nurse_joy octillery onsen ookido_green_(pokemon) ookido_shigeru_(pokemon) pachirisu pikachu piplup pokemon pokemon_heartgold_and_soulsilver reiji_(pokemon) satoshi_(pokemon) saturn_(pokemon) sayaka_francois_joy shellos shinji_(pokemon) shirona_(pokemon) shuckle soara spiritomb staravia sudowoodo sumomo_(pokemon) swimsuits swinub takeshi_(pokemon) team_rocket towel turtwig wallpaper wet wobbuffet yamato_(pokemon) yumomi_(pokemon)

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At first I thought "an official image" then I saw the shiny boobs. Unless Pokemon is really this relaxed in Japan (which I could believe, seeing some of the stuff they left out of the dub).