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akane_(pokemon) anzu_(pokemon) ass bike_shorts bikini blue_(pokemon) breast_grab cleavage crossdress crystal_(pokemon) diglett erika_(pokemon) fuyou_(pokemon) haruka_(pokemon) hikari_(pokemon) ibuki_(pokemon) jigglypuff kanata_(pokemon) kasumi_(pokemon) kirlia kirlia_(pokemon) kogomi_(pokemon) leaf_(pokemon) lovrina_(pokemon) luvdisc mana_(pokemon) megane mikan_(pokemon) monster mudkip natsume_(pokemon) odamaki_sapphire pikachu pokemon pokemon_bdsp pokemon_dppt pokemon_frlg pokemon_gsc pokemon_hgss pokemon_oras pokemon_rgby pokemon_rse ran_(pokemon) satoko_(pokemon) satoshi_(pokemon) school_swimsuit sling_bikini soara surskit swimsuits takeshi_(pokemon) towel trap tsutsuji_(pokemon) wallpaper wet yellow_(pokemon) yuri

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Wait. I see Ash and a male Pikachu in there (female has a notch in the tale). That means that Brock's too big of a wuss to join the fun :)
Look at the fence to the left...
prodigallink said:
Look at the fence to the left...
haha! there he is!! XD