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There was a bit of a color difference cause of the scan but a few strokes of the smudge tool fixed that.

Here's the pic non stitched, i'd like to see what others think of the stitching.


Funny how you only see your mistakes after you post it... lol ^^

Okay finally, 2nd edit. Better now. Fixed a few color mismatch and the curveture of the outline of the hair is better now.
Here a teaser comes to pick on incho =D
Yeah you are awesome about stitching area, your glasses are not only moe-item :3
(but "should-be-cropped image border area" is outside of the glasses? =D)
midzki said:
Here a teaser comes to pick on incho =D
Yeah you are awesome about stitching area, your glasses are not only moe-item :3
(but "should-be-cropped image border area" is outside of the glasses? =D)
You're confusing me with that partial sentence in the parentheses.
Thanks for the comment. ^

So thus I was working on the Tona or w/e image last night. Not only that it's huge horizontally but I have to add those scan patterns back into it to create a normal look on it. So it's gonna take a bit >.<
Maya, her entire personality and facial feature, are what I consider to be my favorite. She has that class rep attitude, sorta snobbish and strict, but not a bitch ^^ Glasses, short shoulder length hair. The color isn't much of an issue to me, but she's still very pretty ^^
Pardon me, what's the "Tona or w/e"?
(silly my english ^^)
midzki said:
Pardon me, what's the "Tona or w/e"?
(silly my english ^^)
It was Tana ^^

post #58032
aoie_emesai said:
Funny how you only see your mistakes after you post it... lol ^^
You're telling me. I've had to post a second version of the last three edits I've uploaded. I keep telling myself I need to spend a few minutes checking before posting. One of these days I'll get it right on the first try...