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fixed haramura_nodoka kataoka_yuuki miyanaga_saki saki sasaki_masakatsu seifuku

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What are those on her chest?! Kill them with fire!
Shanyy said:
What are those on her chest?! Kill them with fire!
Those, my friend, are proof that there is in fact a god. That and the loli in the background.
I think he was referring to their clothing. ; p
Angelo8895 said:
I think he was referring to their clothing. ; p
Comment deleted.
Angelo8895 said:
I think he was referring to their clothing. ; p
no, i don't think he was :P
aurica said:
no, i don't think he was :P
Ah man~ my comment!
Should've waited.........
Angelo8895 said:
I think he was referring to their clothing. ; p
I doubt it.