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- ? miwabe sakura 494
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- Id: 749579
- Posted: about 4 years ago by hiroimo2
- Size: 1433x2024
- Rating: Explicit
- Score: 385
- Favorited by: PeanutbutterGuy3, jiut, Forohn, Kyrex, AN1FREAK, Melodict, minirop, minhalan2007, jfabcd1234, bdjbdjdb, skyaiouaz, JackDaniels, sunfengkun, harmonyo, salvationtshe, Sachihiro, Aylen, Neia, EZZE, FeDesignerLee, Maverick22222, benjiho, BM_liu, yinghua, huanghezhilu144, Yushira, 312757100, geass702, valkyrie-silmeria, 230, qwe3395895239, h569874, 魂魄yoooi梦, neo32, berewerd, 七色月光, Nopal, UprugoePivo, lightm, 海瑟薇の泪, wexops,, Kamito05, dorakey, wert862, smokebomb332, OATH., suicide123, gkbluerapid, ghostpain, memedickmcgeee, account_yandre, Destructodoom, Fish13, Pil0tXia,, Rottenperson, sweetsjy84, hsyny, no!, StarEnder, wxmzm, jack4, 张松, BattlequeenYume, IN114, yundan, yichen9826, PetrichorS, a2498856560, Mr.Xing1993, richardbilly, Requiem96, muzendereye, EctoHento, 心之所向, Mohit_anistyle, Nagyszeben, alkiroth, fellion, LINXIWUYUAN, erocne, Tekno, mikudayo, LxK, Sonin, tinalu21, minh719, 羽翼, Benawi3, 2357504990, gaimeiko, Vignette1219, shnam1201, IntellectualSenpai69, Ulycrap, liumao, zlyan122, x12313270, zhang792126347, eggomylego, xiaosa, 狐白, Indraa, dpecg193, DECADEJOCKER, 841453261, auplure, ArthurDragoneel, sxzm, ButterFish, 游沫, Samx123, MaxAvatar, Isekaifan, shre002, Bardul, blackLeaf402, Spiryts, Quantum_Hunter, lunaxtrigger, danger_pickle, 无可言喻, kkzkk0000, ceekaylsl, fuze35, happyfu, hitmanzmj, vesslan, sucker8853, zzd6, aya22ic, zhy91, Andrea55, Doyoulikelewds, Krisi21, Cn47mP, sagamabi, 948969611, Jo13cu, napstar, YC930213, Spirris, 巫妖王, charliekamihara, phos99877, c61494099, Yinerd, autumnnnrain, speed1, Culturedone, Remy4, zixisama, cosmix, 呆小驴, wreckage, Caren_Hortensia, hakusaiii, wmncw2017, 这里不存在的微热可乐, Misaka19090, Human_Torchman, Anal_General, Lamii, willwiz, Asahina-RAKU, LTsky, Cherrys, Summerno1, kamaioxyda, 85473, nyaow, vvm02, zackyzs, pangso, Abraxas, Aria22, xangel1943, Loli_prprpr, wssbs, ShirUshI, 2725364561, yudachi, zero1205l, Lunaticoll, frostfire, RosarioV, Sigal, Fernans3301, Roklus, lastochka29, Redaa, 楓玥, jemil, fluoromethane, esildan, Krisand, pentacle, 不愿意透露姓名的我, Protostep, lylyly, K_Kazuki, xxx137, Lightning250, frakd, Rampage51, JCorange, xjack, Kotori_V, magigood, SneakySpy, LoliSquare,, AbanDSun, 2637546138, 20A0, Neleave, fy_sqr, Mikazaki, appvn, mlq-rq, TotallyLegit-_-, darknessben, Alin250_Gaming, dovahkiinxx, TZKSG, 水A幻, Talec, geminis, Sonike, reanaara, __yuy78__, beauty, Eater_X, Draa, YameteSenpai, intensez, LordFusions, Qpax, yanleng, 3149823, 100497, unknown171, 伊藤诚, 梓川咲, Killerboyp, zkipsair, DDM, plmq, Jusky, 5002, Bakdauren, dsatan, _Aniro_, alertnet, lkxshore, yaoguaisama, lurww, dark_magician_702, sum, xxlustxx, mmxkkp, xiao8520, Nahlot, Kris7, Turnover, zqs, TenderWings, 灵寂空空,, ADieDog, lsh0405, admindy, cklodar, Kengsokmok, 994513077, colorbeat, Elldoug, yamatomato, SubZeroInmortal, 爱阴湿毯, Qionglu735, aabbcc3214, Martiporlix, Yuichan, 地平线的引路人, lazymushi, fanthomas, dailiang911, Kirey20, Titanium, Ariae, vita, Celestium, 秋月愛莉, Akseru, draknez, Jennyclarke37, Qwertypwerty1234, Arzed, 血魔弑天, Theshya, Hachitendou, Jaygunner, verita, jimmy123321, CoyoteMister, zljk0ll, 素晴, 欲星移, Melonpaper, Windborne, yokaze_L, Snez, djc, zhoubi, iceyrayeelaina, flyflykira, yunlan, vuzyy, ssiori, TIAN, 猎狐逍遥, Kaed, korat, attis159, 上穹, 桃花庵の桃花, AspenExcel, UserNam3IsTaken, 一只gt, luochen, Wrh, burstlinker, 1329715818, adeemo, soddein, scar12046, h2so4cuso4, Yatsumi, Aleax, fly24, 姬柊雪菜, a986941312, k3312102, chunchunyushui, bhpp, slf96311, Haiiro_一夜, yuzumoe (344 more)
about 4 years agoRighthandstrong
about 4 years agoI mean, well I own photoshop too but
about 4 years agohiroimo2
about 4 years agoEven if I had one, it would have too many functions and I probably wouldn't be able to use it.
I use the free software Pixia.
Even free software has enough functions for amateur like me.
When I do uncensored editing, I prepare another layer, draw uncensored picture on top of it, and then overlay it on top of the original picture.
Thank you. I'm happy you like that.
about 4 years agofireattack
about 4 years ago乐观的食用盐
about 4 years agohiroimo2
about 4 years agoI don't draw pictures, and I only repair and edit them, so Pixia is good enough for me.
When I have reference picture available, I work in Pixia like the video I posted in the comments of post #750422. It's easy to do.
Even when I don't have reference picture, I just paint based on the surrounding pictures, since I only paint parts of the picture myself.
about 4 years agoGenex
about 4 years agoThorcsf
almost 4 years agoOh, yeah, what you did in that video is pretty easy when you have the same kind of image but without the text, so you just need to put the image with the text over the image without the text in different layers, and then erase the text replacing the erased part with the non-texted image bellow. I did just that yesterday with a few images from this Pixiv post: But I didn't remove any text, I removed the tattoo on the left girl's belly. There is one variation where they are completely naked without tattoo, so I used that as a reference picture to replace another image where the girl has a tattoo on her belly, because I really don't like it. It's really easy for any beginner in Photoshop and other image editing software. But there are many times that you do magic without a reference picture where to take a sample from! That image from that post of yours, for an instance, where did you take the non-texted reference picture from? It looked like you already had the whole image without the text!
almost 4 years ago
However, I couldn't find whole picture, so I deleted rest of the text by hand.
almost 4 years agoThorcsf
almost 4 years agoHaha, I can imagine it's not that amateur. But Hiroimo said he doesn't use Photoshop because he says he would be lost with so many tools and features he wouldn't know how to use, so he prefers a more friendly, intuitive software. That's what I meant by "amateur". Pixia is probably like Adobe Premiere Elements (for video) or Photoshop Elements, they have all the basic features and tools for video/image editing, but are not as complete/professional as their parent, professional versions, except that Pixia is free, but Photoshop Elements isn't.
almost 4 years agohiroimo2
almost 4 years agoHere are some more instructions.
1. If there is a picture to refer, size it to the original picture.
2. Add a layer and lay it on top of the original picture.
3. Make the reference picture transparent.
4. Make only the area to be edited opaque, as shown in the video.
Note: Pixia has a function that makes opaque to paint by the black pen and makes transparent to paint by bright color of red, blue, or green pen.
I used that feature in video.
Manual work
1. Add more layers.
2. Use two to five layers, such as a line and fill, and paint in a way that blends in with the surrounding picture.
almost 4 years agoThat's where you do your magic! XD
almost 4 years agoWow, I’m flattered. Thanks.
almost 4 years agohiroimo2
almost 4 years ago1. Copy the original picture and change the color to color you want.
2. Make everything transparent except for the hair. Hair color change is complete.
This way, even people who can't draw can change the hair and eye color to their liking.
almost 4 years agochurh
almost 4 years ago