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akiyama_mio hirasawa_yui horiguchi_yukiko ishidate_taichi k-on! kotobuki_tsumugi nakano_azusa seifuku tainaka_ritsu wallpaper

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Please, don’t spam the comment section. 5 to 10 comments max per day, to give you an idea of the limit.

You better do fix the missing tags yourself, instead: click on “Edit” and fill the field (you have some “Related…” links and a suggestion popup to help you).

Oh, and since they are 1920 × 1080 pictures, add “wallpaper” tag, too. Thank you.
I really can't be bothered to tend to the general tags, I'm just here to tag the artists. Point taken on the comment spam though, I'll be sure to slow those down in the future. And for the wallpaper tag, you should probably ask a mod or someone who could batch edit tags to tag everything in the pool for that.