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Dangit, these games suck :<
I like pictures where you can also see the guy. =0 Unfortunately this guy has a very creepy mouth. XD
KOS-MOS said:
Dangit, these games suck :<
... says the guy with an avatar from one of those games.
A game sucking and its art sucking are entirely different things.
A game CG watermarked & jpeged no thank you :p
There is no guy grabbing a girl's breast in my avatar, seeing as how that was what I was talking about.
The art *is* nice, but thats not what I was saying sucks, see above. Its not a huge deal, so oh well.
No, what you said above was a general ZOMG THESE GAMES ALL SUCK. Sweeping generalizations ftw. What would have been better and probably less flame-like would be something like 'I like the art but not the content of these games', rather than just lumping them all together under a 'they all suck' generalization.