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ass hayate_no_gotoku katsura_hinagiku naked nipples nishizawa_ayumu photoshop pussy sanzenin_nagi uncensored

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a good point of megami ?
they can be naked by his shop :)
I see only one flaw and that is... Ayumu's breasts are smaller than Hinagiku's *tags*.
Ninagiku & Nagi suppose to be flat chested!
Someone on Moeren already requested him (the photoshopper) to make their breast flats :3
kokiko said:
why there naked?
The question should actually be "Why weren't they naked in the first place?" Yeah... think about that.
Hina's breast looks... horrible. For one thing, there IS one, but it's also horribly shaped. Poor Hina, she deserves better ;_;
This is definitely one of those photoshops where at least some of the characters look odd because they don't have any clothes to hold onto anymore...
Quite a bit better but not FLAT as a pankake yet >:)
Well Hina isn't totally flat anyway so I don't particularly mind that, it looks better than this version so I'm happy :)
Because the requested URL /moeren/uploader/src/mr12166.jpg was not found on that server. (aka 404)

Let's think a little, this link was posted 10 months ago, there's absolutely no guarantee it still works.
all links to main moeren & uploader can alive several days.
you can search them at the moeren archives, but it's a bit hard to use it for non-japanese.
@midzki: how to search moeren archives?
or better yet, can't you just upload the pic?
midzki said:
all links to main moeren & uploader can alive several days.
you can search them at the moeren archives, but it's a bit hard to use it for non-japanese.
Is there any chance of getting of getting the fixed one from the archives now ?