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well, blindfold will be one of the few things I will never understand, same goes animal ears
The purpose of a blindfold is to A) deny yourself the sense of sight so that anything that touches you is a surprise, it's something you're not expecting therefore it feels more intense, and b) it's a trust thing.

There. Now you understand that.

As for animal ears... I can't help you there. I like animal ears I think they look cute... animal ears or elf ears tend to make the girl look hotter.
BaldurAnthology said:
The purpose of a blindfold is to A) deny yourself the sense of sight so that anything that touches you is a surprise, it's something you're not expecting therefore it feels more intense, and b) it's a trust thing.

There. Now you understand that.

As for animal ears... I can't help you there. I like animal ears I think they look cute... animal ears or elf ears tend to make the girl look hotter.
Eh, blindfolding seems like a subtle form of bondage.. To deny another person of something, like movement/control in most bondage, instead it's denying someone of the most important sense to mankind. I never quite understood bondage either, it seems like a one way 'love' relationship. Not to put down others who enjoy that stuff, (personally I enjoy both rope & ribbon when it isn't causing immobility), but it seems like a power hungry type of thing to enjoy instead of a trust thing. Take my words lightly, I'm probably wrong.