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cassandra_(personal_ami) naked nipples personal_ami pointy_ears pussy thighhighs uncensored wings

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No pussy hair version of 908210 .

All uploads from personal ami made by me are from her patreon page.
BaldurAnthology said:
No pussy hair version of 908210 .

All uploads from personal ami made by me are from her patreon page.
Sherbakun said:
Who are you again?
BaldurAnthology said:
Who are you again?
Someone who could just flag the image on grounds of poor quality? I'm baffled with shadows in this post, maybe they see even more concrete flaws.
yrumddldluxduzrf said:
Someone who could just flag the image on grounds of poor quality? I'm baffled with shadows in this post, maybe they see even more concrete flaws.
The image isn't poor quality though. Maybe they messed up on shadows but overall the skin texture is good they don't screw up the nipples and make them flesh donuts like a lot of artists, the art is high quality.
A score of 76 tells me most are not there for shadow quality.
Genex said:
A score of 76 tells me most are not there for shadow quality.
My lowest score upload is currently a pair of 2 points which is Astolfo made manly. The images are still good quality it's just not a subject matter people appreciate xD
Her nipples have made me hungry for Skittles.
Genex said:
A score of 76 tells me most are not there for shadow quality.
One other thing. I've uploaded like 420 something images and only had 20 deleted. He's uploaded like 300 and had like 90 deleted, and some of those were scat. If anything deserves to get vomit emojis it's that crap... XD
Well, I'm not as sure as you seem to be about Sherbakun, but to me your comment came off as a kind of a sales pitch. It spurred to click the artist tag to see personal_ami here on and then even if I fumble all my criticism (shading something-something, anatomy something-something), the art left a decidedly bad impression. Possibly a factor in all this--is that offers much better combinations of good points present in personal_ami artworks without the bad points.
yrumddldluxduzrf said:
Well, I'm not as sure as you seem to be about Sherbakun, but to me your comment came off as a kind of a sales pitch. It spurred to click the artist tag to see personal_ami here on and then even if I fumble all my criticism (shading something-something, anatomy something-something), the art left a decidedly bad impression. Possibly a factor in all this--is that offers much better combinations of good points present in personal_ami artworks without the bad points.
Ami's artwork I believe is a lot better than some, mostly because of their body proportions not being like... floaty giant breasts and the like, that's why I upload all the new ones. The issue I have with Sherbakun is that this image was posted in January and it's sat here for months, got a lot of upvotes and is generally well liked, Then they just randomly spammed a bunch of vomit emojis that are A) unwarranted and B) the guy has had a problem with me ever since we had a few arguments like... 5-6 months ago. I've moved on and they keep coming back at random intervals to bother me.

It also wasn't a sales pitch, I just couldn't be bothered to post their patreon on every single image